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So I'm minding my own business...


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So, I'm minding my own business with my shoulder to the wheel and nose to the grind stone when a part-time female electric guitar teacher, approx 40 years old stops in, smiles and says, "You need one of these." It was a peel and stick (one time use) button that proclaimed in bold black letters "This is What A Feminist Looks Like" The word "Feminist" was in red. (see latest avatar) I was caught totally off guard and let out a short chuckle and said, 'sure.' I took the 'button', which at this point I didn't know it was a peel and stick anything as she left my office. When I realized it was a button to be worn, a part of me feels like this is a political statement and as a State employee, that is verboten on the job, so I dallied in donning the aforementioned button while I contemplated the appropriatness of myself or any other co-worker wearing it.


I finished my desk work for the interrupted task. Moments later, I am completing my interrupted task by walking to the other end of the building with the appropriate paperwork,.... without my button installed. I see her, she looks very crestfallen and upset that I did not don my 'Feminist' button immediately, Unfortunately, we were headed the same direction and an uneasy, brief conversation ensued, "See? i have mine one. You should support us." "Sure I do," I said," and that was about it, followed by another 68 steps down the hall in uneasy silence.



I fear our relationship is damaged. Really, our relationship is: I know what she teaches and have no qualms about it. I now feel I was baited and am now labeled, in her mind, a male chauvinist pig.


What do you think? Was I baited? Is she a feminista? Am I a MCP? [cool]

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Get used to it.


THAT is exactly why I created the whole NeoConMan stage persona.

People are oh-so-quick to make assumptions about us, and when you beg to differ they accuse you of denial.


"Yeah, you'll say that now only because you have to..." and sh!t like that.


I know it's a professional atmosphere and all, but she's the one who pissed in the pool - not you.

Sleep well tonight knowing ol' Neo's got yer back.



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Personal opinion is that there are too many unknown variables on your story to say much of anything.


For example, you know each other, at least somewhat, so the potential of a message that may or may not be obvious is there, but what it might be is up to question.


OTOH, if ordinarily "political" stuff ain't s'posed to be shown, you probably did what was appropriate in not wearing it but... I dunno what conversation or whatever she may have expected later.



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Get used to it.


THAT is exactly why I created the whole NeoConMan stage persona.

People are oh-so-quick to make assumptions about us' date=' and when you beg to differ they accuse you of denial.


"Yeah, you'll say that [i']now[/i] only because you have to..." and sh!t like that.


I know it's a professional atmosphere and all, but she's the one who pissed in the pool - not you.

Sleep well tonight knowing ol' Neo's got yer back.




Yeah, I just chalked it up to someone who has an axe to grind and is ticked that I didn't have the good sense to whet the stone. #-o


I will sleep well tonight but sorry Neo.. Mrs. K is the only one who has my back.. that and the Queen Sized Serta only sleeps two.

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Where I live, politics are not supposed to enter the work place for good reason. That being the situation you find yourself in. I'd say break the ice by telling her a joke, but it is widely known that true feminists don't have a sense of humor. At least not around here.

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Wearing a button like that ain't going to do **** for anyone. Things change by people DOING things differently, not wearing it on their chests. Next time she brings it up, ask her if she feels you've ever treated her, any other woman at work or anywhere else for that matter in a wrong manner. If you haven't, then you've already set the example by leading, which is how it should be.

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Let's call it .... a Male Mostly Tolerated work environment. I had a co-worker who was best suited for a promotion, had all the qualifications, new the job.. heck, did the job well, but when it came time to assign the promotion he got passed over.


In a civilized manner he asked his boss what he could have done different to have gotten the promo. His boss told him point blank, "You didn't fit the demographic profile." :-s "We needed either a non-white or a women in the position." The boss DID NOT have to sugar coat it or make up a lame excuse.


You see 'profiling', racial and/or gender, is verboten.... unless you are profiling a white male, which he was. He's since gone on to his great reward.

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