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Pick-ups in a 2005 V?


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I'm thinking about picking up a 2005 cream/white V and I have a couple of questions. According to the website, they currently come with the 496R and 500T ceramic pick-ups. Did they come with these pick-ups in 2005? Also, what is the neck profile like? I prefer a fatter neck, but I have a feeling the V probably has more of a "shredder" neck.

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My V's an 05. Yep 496r/500t. I dropped em a little to tame them, but that thinned out the sound as well. The neck is basically a "60's" neck like on a newer explorer GJ. Not a shredder neck like a Jackson or an Ibanez, but still kinda thin. As it turns out, it fits my hand pretty well.

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I passed on it. My original plan (even before this used one came up) was to get a V and put 3 P90s in it, similar to a non-reverse Firebird. I prefer a wood finish so I figured I'd keep my eyes open for a Naturalburst or even a Cherry. Recently though, I've been thinking a new V3 would be the way to go. It's already routed for 3 pick-ups plus the wiring and switches are all there. It doesn't have much in the way of woodgrain, but the faded white one could probably be massaged into the sort of TV White finish that the Custom Shop 'birds have.


When the cream '05 V came up, I figured at $700 it would save me a few bucks, plus is is a more expensive model. I would use it as is until I'm ready to tackle the P90 project. With the ceramics in it, it would probably sit unused for quite awhile before I would do anything with it.

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