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String buzz 2008 Studio


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hi, new to this great forum. Recently purchased a 2008 LP Studio. love it but have a string buzz problem on only the low E A D strings from the 7th fret down. the neck is completely relief ed . If I take out the relief the guitar buzzes starting at the 2nd position. Do I need to do a Fret leveling ? the action is very nice and do not yet want to raise the saddle.


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Okay, seriously.

Did it play right when you bought it?


Yes, or you wouldn't have bought it.




Did you restring it?

Probably moved the thumbwheels under the bridge when the pressure was off, lowered the strings.




Then you assumed the truss rod must have needed an adjustment, eh?


Pretty common actually.


I say take it to a GOOD luthier (not some Guitar Center dumbfxcker) and pay $40 for a complete set up.

Maybe even find a Gibson-authorized repair center in your area, not a dealer.

They usually treat you right, and if something gets broken you may have some recourse under warranty.

God forbid the neck is twisted, but if it is that's the place you wanna take it.



Once the guitar is set up correctly, DO NOT mess with the truss rod.


Good luck with it, and congrats on yer Gibson!


Oh, and post pics of your guitar or we'll all call you a lying poseur.


("He doesn't own a Gibson, he's just posting here to make us think he does"....)




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Again as stated before, take the guitar to a reputable tech. perhaps even a lutier. They will have it playing like new in no time.

The EAD strings being affected sounds like you tried to adjust the bridge and can't get it back to playability. If you want to experiment with setting up your guitar, buy a Gibson set up book like the one sold at Stew-Mac. Once you become comfortable with doing set ups then you can go onto truss rod adjustments etc.

I don't know who your tech is, but you only want a slight bow in the neck and his theory on the buzz is way off.

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The guy is obviously new to the finer points of set ups, and acting cautiously as he learns.

Here you go encouraging him to start twisting on the fxcking truss rod.


Real smart, doing the guy a really big favor.


When that horrible time comes, will you help when he needs it most?

Will you explain to him the finer points of selling a guitar with a fxcked up neck?



Would not the prudent advice be to get the guitar set up properly, and allow the OWNER to ask the questions?

Would he not be better served with somebody willing to SHOW HIM what to look at?


He can read a book just like he's reading a damned forum.


What a tool, go back to school, work on your "intelligence" for the benefit of us all ....

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Sorry you have to witness this LP Blues, but I'm afraid it's for his own good....


:D [blink] [blink] [blush]


What's you're F+++ing problem

What's my F+++ing problem?

You are' date=' smartass.



I said that unless you know what you're doing NOT to screw around with the truss rod.

Oh, I see....

Now you want to take credit for advice already posted in the thread - and take credit for it too?



Read before you open your stupid ignorant mouth.

See' date=' now that's the kind of outburst that any 3 year old would get his *** spanked for.




Again you come off sounding like a ******

Tell me, what's that taste like?




go hump the neighbors dog again.

No, I'd rather it was YOU tough guy...


Think you're gonna follow me from thread to thread, post smartass sh!t right behind me,

and then start flinging insults? Wanna call me out in front of everybody?

Wanna be Big & Bad?


Then put on your Big Boy britches and take it like a man.

Or just keep doing what you're doing.


I DID read your posts before I opened my "stupid ignorant mouth".

That's why you got slapped down here in front of everybody.


And I don't CARE what sounds like a "******" to you, or any other Kindergarten

names you can come up with.

Telling somebody to go hump the neighbors dog again in public would get you a broken jaw.

Somehow the anonymity of a forum makes you brave?


How old are you - 12?


Go ahead, keep screwing around..... AFTER you apologize to LP Blues for being such a punk in his thread.

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I deleted one post and because others quoted the original post, they got deleted too. Not a reflection the content of those posts, it's just a function of deleting one post; unless I uncheck a box, it will wipe out any responses that quote the one being deleted.

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