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Powerheads are not working at all.

Terry KL

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Hi all,


Since yesterday, when i try to tune the guitar, it does nothing. Powerheads are not winding and all LED are flashing yellow. I saw in the manual that it can be an electrical issue.

The battery is fully charged and i checked that no short circuit comes from for a string but it's ok. i also tried a factory reset without success.

So I don't know what to do. Is there any chance to get this work again by myself ?


I was wondering if old strings could be a cause of the problem. Maybe i should change the set of strings.


Thank you everybody for your help.




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Terry KL,


sorry to hear that.

- Firstly check for any short caused by any string either touching another string or touching any metal hardware part.

- Then try a reset 109.

- Check if the Gibson G on the headstock is lit when you activate tuning and strum any string.

- Finally, check your headstock electronics black box whether its somehow loose....

If that´s the case there may be in issue with micro cracks in the neck electronics, I hate to say that but then you would need an RMA.



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Thanks for your reply.


I don't see any short possible. I tried the reset 109 and nothing changed. Finally the G is lit on the headstock.

However I noticed that the electronic is not totally flat on the headstock. Especially at the top where a kind of chip stands.

Do you think that it can be a cause of missing contact ?



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Terry KL,


what you are describing is most unlikely a missing contact.

What happens exactly?? When you strum and tuning is activated, the MCKs LEDs will flash Red first (frequency detection in progress), then the LEDs should flash Yellow (runtime data for the RoboHeads sent up to the neck), at this point the RoboHeads should start tuning. This should not take longer than 1 sec. Try this:


- Check for frayed wrap ends of your strings inside the tailpiece holes possibly causing a short.

- Check your RoboHead cases. Are they aligning with the electronics black box or is there one or more RoboHeads cases that possibly have twisted a little bit due to loose hex nuts??

- Also, changing the strings may be a good idea. Take this occasion to unscrew the RoboHeads and to carefully clean the contacts on the bottom side of the cases with a soft cloth, clean also the contact spots on the neck PCB. Afterwards insert the RoboHeads in the headstock holes and align the cases with the black electronics box, screw the hex nuts and hold tight the cases at the same time to avoid twisting. The torque for the hex nuts is around 1.5 Nm. Restring and try to tune robotically.




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I've changed strings and unscrewed and cleaned each roboHead. Restring is done but nothing changed. I pull up the MCK, all LEDs are red first. Then when I strum, LEDs are flashing yellow, G on the headstock is flashing blue and after a second all MCK's LEDs return to RED. But no robot action happens.

Does it definitly needs an RMA ?


Thanks for your reply.


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  • 8 months later...

Same problem


Quite sure that the problem is a damaged PCB. My guitar came without the PCB case, all exposed. Sure it´s a micro crack as exposed.


People at Tronical: as I no longer live in U.S., is there a way I can buy a PCB and have it shipped to Miami? There´s no way I can ship the guitar to dealers, or to U.S. because of cost.





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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Had the same problem with my Original Robot and Dark Fire. Tronical and Gibson were not much help.


Guys at Fuller's Guitar in Houston, Texas solved it in a nano second. I did not have enough time to eat a home made brownie they were giving away. Put new strings on your guitar, use the screw down posts to secure them, and do not give them enough slack to wind around the posts even one turn. Somehow the winds screw up the power head sensors.

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