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Who reports news the best?


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Even with an "agenda" that they openly discuss, Fox is by far the most informative of those you listed.

Remember too, that Fox does not pretend to be a "News-only" channel.

Many of their shows are clearly opinion/commentary.


I watch 'em all (I don't watch sports, remember?) and I have a pretty good grasp on who's blowing smoke.

It's the ones with an agenda who act so coy, sly, and innocent who piss me off.


Half-truths, overlooking the facts, sensationalism, diversionary tactics, etc...



It can be found at all of them, but some are far worse.



I would have chosen the internet, but it takes real diligence to separate the facts from tons of bullsh!t.

Anybody can post "news" on the web - I have half a dozen sites of my own....




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Nah Fox is the most right wing biased...........come on. They are admittedly biased from Roger himself. Fact checking from multiple sources

repeatedly calls out Fox.


Blogger Pamela Geller complained that the FBI raids were "nuts." Glenn Beck's radio guest host Chris Baker decried the Hutaree arrests as "nothing more than attack on faith and free speech." And Washington Times columnist and frequent Fox News talker Monica Crowley likened Hutaree members to proud patriots, as she squarely placed the blame on the government for squelching the militia's right to dissent:



The Democrats handle dissent by isolating it, smearing it and delegitimizing it in order to crush it. The warning should be clear: If you have small-government, traditional values, you may be considered by your own leadership to be an enemy of the state.



Keep in mind that both Geller and Crowley conveniently forgot to inform readers that the militia members had been arraigned on charges of plotting to kill cops. Apparently that fact no longer moves the needle in today's right-wing media, which has severed its traditional ties with the law-and-order movement and instead today pledges its allegiance to whoever hates the government -- and Democrats -- the most.

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The Hutaree Militia? You mean those 9 folks who were arrested (7 or 8 of them were family members) for allegedly plotting to kill a policeman and then attack the funeral for mass casualties? Those folks? The charges were based on the testimony of an undercover ATF agent, who helped them make plastic explosives...they were allegedly going to use shredded street signs for shrapnel. Is that the dangerous group to whom you're referring? Good thing Janet Napolitano is large and in charge. I feel warm and safe.



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The Hutaree Militia? You mean those 9 folks who were arrested (7 or 8 of them were family members) for allegedly plotting to kill a policeman and then attack the funeral for mass casualties? Those folks? The charges were based on the testimony of an undercover ATF agent' date=' who helped them make plastic explosives...they were allegedly going to use shredded street signs for shrapnel. Is that the dangerous group to whom you're referring? Good thing Janet Napolitano is large and in charge. I feel warm and safe.


FOX News FTW![/quote']


AH Mr KSG rears his head.............oh so the atf is behind it all.....ooo that evil gubmint....


If you only get your news from a source you agree with you are uninformed, especially if it is fox.

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Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karen' date=' don't take this wrong because I'm sure you're a pretty sharp lady.


But I'm constantly and consistently amazed at the sheer numbers of people who share your view.

The problem with that?

That's the closest they ever get to any real news, and they [i']really do[/i] form opinions from it.


It's one thing to recognize it as barbed humor aimed at politicians, and sometimes they're dead on.

But to watch 30 minutes of their stuff a week, or just the odd clip on the web, and form opinions from it?


It's like teaching a child to count to ten and explaining that they now have every number they ever need.

All most of them do with it is count to ten and stop - no need to ever go any further, eh?


"No, no, no..... Then you start over at eleven, and you can continue to infinity!"


There are so many people who don't care to give it any more thought than that.

They don't care - and they VOTE.



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Thanks blackie! I'll contemplate your sage advice while I await my marching orders from Glenn Beck.


HA HA HA .........First you defend folks charged with sedition in a plan to murder police officers.

And then pledge allegience to a Wacko Moron.............no help for you then........good day.

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Karen' date=' don't take this wrong because I'm sure you're a pretty sharp lady.


But I'm constantly and consistently amazed at the sheer numbers of people who share your view.

The problem with that?

That's the closest they ever get to any real news, and they [i']really do[/i] form opinions from it.


It's one thing to recognize it as barbed humor aimed at politicians, and sometimes they're dead on.

But to watch 30 minutes of their stuff a week, or just the odd clip on the web, and form opinions from it?


It's like teaching a child to count to ten and explaining that they now have every number they ever need.

All most of them do with it is count to ten and stop - no need to ever go any further, eh?


"No, no, no..... Then you start over at eleven, and you can continue to infinity!"


There are so many people who don't care to give it any more thought than that.

They don't care - and they VOTE.




ALL the latest voting apears to confirm the majority of the country

is informed enough to reject the neoconservatives.

And while you wish those folks were uninformed they had enough of Mr Bush and his Ilk.

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Internet Versions of newspapers (NY Post; Newark Star Ledger for sports; Wall Street Journal NY Times for the Crossword Puzzles and the comics, NY Daily News, etc.)

TV News BBC in the evening. I'll have Fox on for certain opinion shows. Radio usually gets John Gambling, Curtis Sliwa, Savage, Mark Levin...


But that's only because TW3 and Rosanne Rosannadanna aren't around anymore..

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Karen' date=' don't take this wrong because I'm sure you're a pretty sharp lady.


But I'm constantly and consistently amazed at the sheer numbers of people who share your view.

The problem with that?

That's the closest they ever get to any real news, and they [i']really do[/i] form opinions from it.


It's one thing to recognize it as barbed humor aimed at politicians, and sometimes they're dead on.



I passed on this thread earlier, because it was obvious from the start that it is intended to be inflammatory. The fact is that all media exits not to inform but to make money. All have their agenda, and all cater to a market segment with their own spin. FOX news is worse, not because it has a conservative spin, but because it delivers lies, fear, hate, and divisiveness wrapped in a guise of "fair and balanced" "reporting." Their agenda is to tear down. While some of the other more liberal media may be more insidious, I think it is less destructive.


I would rather have a public who knows only politics reflected in the Comedy Channel than only from FOX news. And BTW, I think Steven Colbert is a smug, one dimensional goober. I like Jon Stewart.

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Mathews and Olberman?

So YOU are the one guy that still watches MSNBC!!!


I wondered who it was...





Seriously, I saw something the other day about one of their shows netting 25,000 viewers.


That's TOTAL.




25,000 viewers....

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FOX news is worse' date=' not because it has a conservative spin, but because it delivers lies, fear, hate, and

divisiveness wrapped in a guise of "fair and balanced" "reporting." Their agenda is to tear down. [/quote']

In other words, you never watch it but you've heard all about it from all the other "news" sources....




Since Glenn Beck is the latest Lefty poster child for lies, fear, hate, and divisiveness - let's watch it together.

I'll give you my phone number, you can call me before it comes on.

We can spend the hour with you pointing out to me any evidence of any of those insinuations you see.




As I said before, I watch 'em all - something NOBODY else here does.


And the new marching orders for the Left is to observe and report all the "hate and rage" they see.

Add racism and bigotry, as the amnesty/open borders issue is building to be their next "cause du jour"...


Remember you heard it from NeoConMan.



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Yeah I watch em all to Neo. I found it facinating when our El Presidente finally got his War on Health Care pushed through that Keith Uberman could barely contain his glee. His top story though was how the racist bigoted tea party was spewing hate and calling names.

This from the same guy that was so full of hate and venom at the republican convention after Sen. McCains exception speech that his left wing ramblings almost got him fired. I thought for sure he was gonna charge down and strangle Sarah Palin.

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I watch them all, and take little parts from each, and figure out the true story by myself.


Anyone, I dare you to find me a news program that isn't biased, and won't gloss over any facts that don't help them get their point across [wink]


Predominantly, I watch Fox, but I usually look the other stuff up on the interwebz to check it.


I can't stand anyone on either of the far sides of extreme, whether it be Olberman or Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh. A lot of what they do is just representing their opinion, not the news.

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In other words' date=' you [i']never[/i] watch it but you've heard all about it from all the other "news" sources....




Since Glenn Beck is the latest Lefty poster child for lies, fear, hate, and divisiveness - let's watch it together.

I'll give you my phone number, you can call me before it comes on.

We can spend the hour with you pointing out to me any evidence of any of those insinuations you see.




As I said before, I watch 'em all - something NOBODY else here does.


And the new marching orders for the Left is to observe and report all the "hate and rage" they see.

Add racism and bigotry, as the amnesty/open borders issue is building to be their next "cause du jour"...


Remember you heard it from NeoConMan.




Neo, I wanted to pass on this so badly, but it's not in my nature. You're a very dogmatic and patronizing kinda guy. I watch all the "news" networks, least of all FOX. I also watch very little Comedy Channel. I don't need to watch it every day to know how it is, and I don't need liberal media telling me how to think and how bad FOX "news" is, I see it for myself.


People watch news networks that confirm and support their view of reality. I see the divisiveness in this country. I also see the lies and the hate that comes from the right, much of it initiated out of FOX. I see the poster children of the right wing- Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, Sara Palin, Rush Limbaugh (I actually listen to him occasionally, too), Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc., etc.- spouting their mis-information and vitriolic BS. I see how the right wing works.


Neo, I like what you bring to this forum, but I think the last thing I'd want to do is watch FOX news with you. And besides, the last time you gave out your phone number, I got the switch board to the white house. #-o #-o [wink]

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I drove to work this morning and I had to use my windshield wipers to see. I look outside and I see splashing in the water puddles in the parking lot of the Chinese restaurant next door. My shoulders got damp when I walked from my vehicle to the office door. From this I deduce it is raining. It amazes me how many people I run into in the course of a day that ask me if I've heard the weather forecast. I don't need the radio or tv to tell me what is quite obvious.


I guess I don't believe any of the news sources. Every one has its agenda.


It also amazes me how many people will make the statement, "I don't believe any of the networks, so I get my news from an impartial source, NPR.


NPR unbiased? Cripes.


So if I attempt to point out just how left wing NPR is, I get immediatley attacked as a Rush Limbaugh DittoHead simply because I pointed out something they didn't want to hear. I'm not a DittoHead. I'm not an AnythingHead. Refer to my first paragraph.


It's still raining. I'm pretty sure of that.

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