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Thinking about using an SG in my pop punk band, thoughts??


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Hi guys


Im in a british female fronted pop punk band called 'reachback'! mainly use fenders at the moment especially my fender cyclone. Was thinking about an sg special though! quite like that warmer gibson tone! also really like those teal flip flop sgs!!! we are looking to record our single soon so I thought this might be an excuse to buy a new guitar!


Anyway check out my band song/video here




and let me know what you think about using a gibson sg!





ps rate and comments us :) :P


SG's are VERY cool looking and sounding guitars, VERY versatile too,, would be a VERY cool addition to you Fender sound too, I use both too,, get one !! I saw a punk band the other day, a guy was using a white standard that was cool as hell and sounded great !!


have you tried them? heard those buckers are kinda cold and harsh in a sg. i would have tried some vintage hot from BARE KNUCKLE PICKUPS. But for punk it's maybe cool with a cold and harsh sound[biggrin]

arrghh really want a blue teal flip flop sg!!! do you reckon it would complimemt my sound though?

go for it, if thats what you want ,, get it, you can tweak it to get any sound you want and I think it will compliment your sound and style too !!


No offence to you man, but punk has really lost all meaning. Salvage something and go for it #-o and stop caring what other people think! oh, and welcome to the forums. [biggrin]



i currently play in a punk/rock/pop band and use a Gibson SG Standard along side my marshall stack, and let me tell you it sounds sweet!

whatever tone you need the SG produces from jazz to heavy metal i can cover all of these genres with the SG...


Try a few out and see what you think, i thought the standard felt better and prefered the 498t (if im correct) in the bridge rather than a 490.


listened to your track as well sounds really sweet! The SG give a bit more bass and depth to your tone i think making it a bit more rounded....


If you ever want to make the trip down to berkshire i know a nice place to play in burnham,its called the Haymill centre and they have a event called Underground and Understated i have played there 3 times now and its a great venue ,even if it is a bit small, heres the facebook page if you want to check it out: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=317954353299&ref=ts


let us know what you choose,




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