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Guitar Center Les Paul


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I just found out that the custom shop Les Paul I have was a guitar made just for guitar center. It has a G in front of the serial #. Just a thought: I wonder what the purists' think of this, and does it diminish in any way the fact that it is a custom shop Paul, 1960 VOS. Please share your thoughts!

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What you have is called a G0. I think some people look at them as being lower quality than a regular historic but there's no truth to it. They are every bit as good as every other historic. However which way you want to look at it - an R8 with a thinner neck, or an R0 with a plain top - it's the same guitar.

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I have a wine red LP Deluxe that I suspect was a GC model and an ES339 I have played many LPs. Mine lacks nothing compared to them and in some ways -- workmanship, components, etc., -- is better than several of them. The ES339 is a fine guitar as well.

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