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Introducing the Les Paul Studio 50’s Tribute – Limited Run from Gibson USA

Gibson USA

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I'll bet you over 75% of us out here name at least 1 of their guitars something... Heck even J. Page names his, and one of its name is # 2.. Go figure, that seems weird, but a pro. has so many...maybe his second favorite?? Just a guess.



or because there are two different pickups???Anyways...

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I'll bet you over 75% of us out here name at least 1 of their guitars something... Heck even J. Page names his, and one of its name is # 2.. Go figure, that seems weird, but a pro. has so many...maybe his second favorite?? Just a guess.



You're probably right, but it's still odd to me. I wouldn't consider #2 to be a name, more of a place on a list. Much more impersonal.

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Come on now, tell the truth. You must of at least thought or called it something.. Besides piece of cr#$

Think of it this way. If it were a boat, would ya name it?


No, really. I do not name inanimate objects, well maybe with a single exception.


My bologna has a first name, but I didn't name my boat.

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My silver sparkle jet I call "Silvia", my gold sparkle jet I call "Goldie", my turquoise Lead I I call "88", D'Angelico New Yorker is referred to as "Tank". The Gibs might be called "Gibs", pronounced either way, hard G or J.

I expect the cherry burst I ordered from G.C. to be here by August 31. It's paid for. I have bought most of the guitars I own online, without playing them. But, ya gotta do the research beforehand. I've not been disappointed, so far. I don't expect to be disappointed with Gibs.

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I also don't get into the whole naming thing...no thought or interest in it at all.


Maybe I just haven't bonded enough with any one of 'em yet [wub], otherwise I really don't get it.


Now my rifles, that's another...naaa...I don't name them either.

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My silver sparkle jet I call "Silvia", my gold sparkle jet I call "Goldie", my turquoise Lead I I call "88", D'Angelico New Yorker is referred to as "Tank". The Gibs might be called "Gibs", pronounced either way, hard G or J.

I expect the cherry burst I ordered from G.C. to be here by August 31. It's paid for. I have bought most of the guitars I own online, without playing them. But, ya gotta do the research beforehand. I've not been disappointed, so far. I don't expect to be disappointed with Gibs.

Really? they already billed you and you paid for it? M.F. just took credit card info. Im pretty sure it still hasn't been charged yet.

Aren't M.F. and G.C. same owners now? That's got me worried about my barge, whole thing is just messed up... I just hope we all get what we ordered....With the exception of people who ordered 4 or more. That's just rude..

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You know people who pre-ordered that many?


Sheesh - I didn't think limited runs were usually that lucrative.


How would you know it would be worth it?...I guess they're counting on all the goofyness with pre-orders, the flood etc.?

Or maybe they are so cheap it is an easy 'investment'?

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I brought in a guitar to trade, G.C. gave me a price on the C.B., I agreed, and paid the balance. I think the list for the Gibson at the time was around $830. I think, as part of the trade, I was required to pay for the guitar at that time of the trade. I was assured by the salesman that this guitar would be delivered to me, quite probably around August 31. And, I made it clear that I wouldn't accept a substitute in white or black. The salesman himself had a goldtop on order. I haven't followed up on delivery dates, but, I will call the store on August 31. They also will not send the guitar direct. I will be notified that the guitar is in store and that I should pick it up when I'm notified by either email or phone.

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I brought in a guitar to trade, G.C. gave me a price on the C.B., I agreed, and paid the balance. I think the list for the Gibson at the time was around $830. I think, as part of the trade, I was required to pay for the guitar at that time of the trade. I was assured by the salesman that this guitar would be delivered to me, quite probably around August 31. And, I made it clear that I wouldn't accept a substitute in white or black. The salesman himself had a goldtop on order. I haven't followed up on delivery dates, but, I will call the store on August 31. They also will not send the guitar direct. I will be notified that the guitar is in store and that I should pick it up when I'm notified by either email or phone.

When I ordered mine, I was told that they'd been taking orders only since that Friday. And that they would only accept orders with full payment. List was $1399, but like most, GC's price was $849.


I had the option of having it shipped direct to my home, but since I travel for work, sometimes out of State for weeks, I opted to have it shipped to the store (given the target date of 8/31, no guaranty of the date or in fact of delivery at all, but again, I was about the 27th Gold Top order).


Didn't realize until yesterday that the 31st is a week from tomorrow! [woot] I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope.... fingers crossed. B)

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I don't know how it reflects american customers but, I'm getting it form PMT music and I phoned them today as it's the 6th week of the 4-6 weeks they said it'd take. I was told that they have emailed there gibson rep, who couldn't give them a date of shipment anymore, however they did say it's definitely going to arrive. Cheers G

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Did you notice that Gibson USA updated post # 1 of this thread today?



North America - 60

Scandinavia - 20

Europe - 78

Japan - 47

HUH??? That's insane. I'll have to look into that myself, as if I can do anything about it though, I can't, but none the less.

I preordered on phone from M.F. Not quite sure if they come from Tn. or to their warehouse first?

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You know people who pre-ordered that many?


Sheesh - I didn't think limited runs were usually that lucrative.


How would you know it would be worth it?...I guess they're counting on all the goofyness with pre-orders, the flood etc.?

Or maybe they are so cheap it is an easy 'investment'?

I think they are covering all of the bases so to speak to make sure they get " theirs "..

And probably a couple extra to sell on bay.. I just want ONE!! That's all. Is that asking too much??

Just cuz other people found out faster than some of the rest of us, ... well, you get my point.

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You'll have to 'look into what' yourself???

Nothing, just fuming.... It just a figure of speech, as there is nothing anybody can do about it anyways.

And ya know something else?, I haven't read or seen anywhere that somebody here in the U.S. has gotten one.. Wonder why?

I would surely let you fine folks know if mine came in.. Well, after a few hours of playing of course...

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I haven't read or seen anywhere that somebody here in the U.S. has gotten one.. Wonder why?

I would surely let you fine folks know if mine came in.. Well, after a few hours of playing of course...


Ahh - you're thinking that maybe they really have not sent these out as posted?

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Did you notice that Gibson USA updated post # 1 of this thread today?



North America - 60

Scandinavia - 20

Europe - 78

Japan - 47

I didn't, thanks for pointing that out! Good news AFAIC!


HUH??? That's insane. I'll have to look into that myself, as if I can do anything about it though, I can't, but none the less.

I preordered on phone from M.F. Not quite sure if they come from Tn. or to their warehouse first?

Not sure when MF took their orders, but if it was the same time as GC, it was later than many. That being the case, I expect GC's guitars will get to their warehouse (that's where theirs go first, then to the buyers homes or ordering stores) in the order in which they took orders (GC sold out the Gold Tops they were allotted in a matter of days, wouldn't surprise me to see them all be delivered in one batch).


Ahh - you're thinking that maybe they really have not sent these out as posted?

I think his implication was that MF may have gotten some and not notified him. I doubt they've gotten any yet (see above), as GC did not begin taking orders until late in the "official availability" of the guitar. I've certainly been wrong before though.


As to hearing here, I don't know. We are a really small sampling of the total picture. Look at the pre-flood guitars as an example. About 60 got out, and yet we've had how many posted here? Maybe 3, 4 or 5? And that counts mine and one other that were purchased fairly recently from Sam Ash (not sure how they were discovered -and it includes maybe one Gold Top, or was that from another Forum?).

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Ahh - you're thinking that maybe they really have not sent these out as posted?

Nope. I am not saying that, just thinking it out loud. But if you read and follow the posts here and henry4, and l.p. forums, put them all together, you really don't see nothing concrete.

I would assume, Gib. would have more def. #'s on how many of each were going to be made. The flood had or shouldn't had any effect on the number of color runs being produced.

That's just my input, take out what you will. Everybody has their own theory on this whole thing. I personally don't care if I get mine in Oct., as long as we are told.

The flood.. well now that's just horrible!! My hearts go out to all those involved with that! Millions upon millions of people wished that would never have happened.

I can't even imagine going thru that, little alone the after effects that still are going on ther we don't even know about.

I'm in N Mich. Worst we get here is 250-300 inches of snow a year, of which I would take all day long over floods, tornados, earthquakes ect...

Then on top of all the weather probs., you got vendors ordering who knows how many more guitars than they know that they wont receive.

They are just hoping to receive more to sell more, and when all is said and done, an email or poss. phone call ( more likely a email, cowards ), sorry, but we ordered x amount allotted from Gib. and they only sent us this amount...

My csr said I was a go, as long as there is no problem from Gibby... That really made me think about the whole thing differently. that point forward.

As long as... Yea right, just the retailer covering their own behind??

I just wonder what we will hear on Sept. 1st.....

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I didn't thanks for pointing that out! Good news AFAIC!



Not sure when MF took their orders, but if it was the same time as GC, it was later than many. That being the case, I expect GC's guitars will get to their warehouse (that's where theirs go first, then to the buyers homes or ordering stores) in the order in which they took orders (GC sold out the Gold Tops they were allotted in a matter of days, wouldn't surprise me to see them all be delivered in one batch).



I think his implication was that MF may have gotten some and not notified him. I doubt they've gotten any yet (see above), as GC did not begin taking orders until late in the "official availability" of the guitar. I've certainly been wrong before though.


As to hearing here, I don't know. We are a really small sampling of the total picture. Look at the pre-flood guitars as an example. About 60 got out, and yet we've had how many posted here? Maybe 3, 4 or 5? And that counts mine and one other that were purchased fairly recently from Sam Ash (not sure how they were discovered -and it includes maybe one Gold Top, or was that from another Forum?).

Time may or may not tell on this subject. But, T Bone you are correct on that .. It just seems like more would know....You are prob. right, but, Gibby never tells exactly which guitars they are talking about. It's like an enigma.

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I would assume, Gib. would have more def. #'s on how many of each were going to be made. The flood had or shouldn't had any effect on the number of color runs being produced.

Ah, I have no doubt they do know. But they don't release production numbers. True, they've released the numbers on limited run guitars which these are. But I don't know if they do so before they've been produced/delivered/sold or not (I really don't know, does anyone recall, is the limit usually announced at the time of the initial announcement, or later?).


I was actually sort of surprised at the update on page one. But I suspect that annuncement is as a result of the flood and stalled production due to it. Perhaps they wanted to let the world know for certain that they were back in business! [thumbup]

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I didn't, thanks for pointing that out! Good news AFAIC!



Not sure when MF took their orders, but if it was the same time as GC, it was later than many. That being the case, I expect GC's guitars will get to their warehouse (that's where theirs go first, then to the buyers homes or ordering stores) in the order in which they took orders (GC sold out the Gold Tops they were allotted in a matter of days, wouldn't surprise me to see them all be delivered in one batch).



I think his implication was that MF may have gotten some and not notified him. I doubt they've gotten any yet (see above), as GC did not begin taking orders until late in the "official availability" of the guitar. I've certainly been wrong before though.


As to hearing here, I don't know. We are a really small sampling of the total picture. Look at the pre-flood guitars as an example. About 60 got out, and yet we've had how many posted here? Maybe 3, 4 or 5? And that counts mine and one other that were purchased fairly recently from Sam Ash (not sure how they were discovered -and it includes maybe one Gold Top, or was that from another Forum?).

I wonder why so many to Europe and Japan? Japan???

Reminds me of my imac computer last Nov. with reorders and Europe was really P.off they weren't getting their fair share..

Same concept and idea. Both Apple and Gibson are American made, so you would naturally think we ( U.S. ) would be fulfilled first, but I'm sure its first come first served.

Which leads to the next question. How come mow us dealers order their shipments before Europe and Japan... Japan, it just sounds funny there's that many over there first....

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I wonder why so many to Europe and Japan? Japan???

Reminds me of my imac computer last Nov. with reorders and Europe was really P.off they weren't getting their fair share..

Same concept and idea. Both Apple and Gibson are American made, so you would naturally think we ( U.S. ) would be fulfilled first, but I'm sure its first come first served.

Which leads to the next question. How come mow us dealers order their shipments before Europe and Japan... Japan, it just sounds funny there's that many over there first....


We have Distribution Centers in Europe and Japan that feed product out to those dealers. We also ship to those location by boat so the guitars won't actually make it into dealer store fronts until a month or so from now. You will see lots more shipping into the U.S. over the next few weeks.

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