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Watching the FIFA World Cup


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I've always been a soccer nut (Futbol for the rest of the world), and have been able to watch 2 games today. But WTF is with the constant buzzing??? I know the fans all have these horns, but do they need to blow it continuously throughout the match? I mean it really does sound like a bee hive.



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I'm fed up of it already. Overpaid bullies, thugs and cheats. This World Cup would have been the ideal time to bring in new tech. Goal line cameras as in Tennis for suspect goals. Fourth ref with playback tech to stop diving etc. But, no. Corrupt as ever.

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Yeah, the buzzing, first thing I noticed when I was in the living room yesterday.

I don't watch football so it's no big deal for me, but it's a little bit too noticeable and

probably really annoying if you want to watch whole game. :-k


I will probably watch the finales, so hopefully they ran out of those horns by then... [biggrin]


I agree with lashurst. It would be so easy to get the foul play out of the game, but i just never seems to happen.

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But WTF is with the constant buzzing??? I know the fans all have these horns' date=' but do they need to blow it continuously throughout the match? I mean it really does sound like a bee hive.



The decision to not ban the vuvuzelas might prove to be FIFAs worst decision ever. Most was hoping that it would just be a problem during South Africa's matches, and possibly during other African teams matches, but I said it won't be. People forget so quickly it seems. This was a huge problem during last years Confederation Cup in South Africa, which was when most of the world found out what it was that made all that noise. It was a problem during all the matches then, and it will be now as well. And what do you know, during the France vs Uruguay game last night, there was that sound again. Surprise surprise.


I hate the ****ing things.

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1-1. As I said hopeless. If we can't beat USA we stand no chance. Half hearted. If you earned their money would you want waste your summer playing in a tournemant you know you won't win?


lash- if it wasn't for that tall white thing' date=' next to Green, they had holding the net it's 2-1 US. (Altidor went clean around Carragher[blink'] [blink] ). Carragher had better get some faster shoes.:-k :-k .

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Mexico Mexico Mexico!

Yeah' date=' okay...I am so ready for France v Mexico.

As for USA v The Mother Land....

UK all da way. Sorry, they have very sexy accents and Oscar Wilde and Liz Hurley.[/quote']


Youre in luck Izzy....im related to Oscar Wilde....ummm he wasnt into girls. lol

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In golf you're not aloud to make a peep. Tennis crowds are extremely quiet too. Most other sports fans are noisy but the HORNS? Those BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZING ANNOYING HORNS gotta GO!


Yea I am good for about .4 seconds.


I guess its just the ignorant American in me.

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Yea I am good for about .4 seconds.


I guess its just the ignorant American in me.


No, everyone dislikes the noise. Those who say they don't mind or even like the horns are lying because they either want to be against the popular opinion to look cool, or the PC police got to them saying things like banning it would be cultural imperialsim and pushing European fan culture down the African's throats and similar bullshit like that.

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