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How do you take your water?


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Bottled water or from the filtered tap of my refridgerator.

I don't like the taste of the tap water in my area or most places.

When I go to the North Georgia mountains, I fill up jugs from the mountain run off, pure and cold.

The best water IMO is the water that just tastes WET, no flavor at all.

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Bottled water or from a Pur pitcher/filter. Our water dept. had a bit of a mishap a few years back with some bacterially contaminated water. Faced with a choice of cutting off the supply and fixing it, or just letting it flow and it fixing itself, they chose to allow it to keep flowing.


So those cool little signs you might see in your neighborhood about Approved Water? Yeah, they had to take those down and we still don't have them back....







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I am a firm believer in tap water, or I should say water you don't buy in bottles from the store. All that plastic has to be made, and then it has to go somewhere. If I couldn't drink my tap water like ChanMan, I'd be mighty miffed...I mean, I do get a water bill every month!

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Straight from the tap with a whisky back....just kidding..

Actually in the US tap water has to under go more testing than bottled water. Even though in some parts of the US the water may have a odor or not taste as good, it has to come up to a higher standard.

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So you've gotta use a knife and fork to drink it.


Okay... Orange juice at late night and in the a.m.


There's an old saying around here that water's for fightin' and whiskey's for drinkin'. Given the tradition of difficulties over water rights, it makes sense.


The nice thing about both whiskey and coffee is that both kinda get rid of any little buggie boos in the water.


I do think that more than four or five 12-cup pots of coffee a day may be overkill. OJ is good. Whiskey... well, the good stuff costs too much for more than a cupla ounces a month.



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You didn't put my choice in the poll.


I have a well, and the water has some tannins in it (harmless but it adds color) and a bit of sulphur (not tasty) so I distill the tap water and then add minerals.


It's cheaper than plastic jugs, and there is a lot of evidence that the plastic from those jugs leach into the water and mess with your hormones. Plus I read where the water companies are not regulated for purity and don't have to come up to municipal tap standards and it takes 4 liters of water to make the plastic bottle that holds 1 liter of water.


I used to spend $10 a week on jug water, but since I started distilling, my electric bill went up a little under $2.50 per week. Good bargain.


By the time it gets through the distiller it is 99.99% pure with no pesticide residue, no drug residue, no bacteria, no anything harmful. On the other hand, distilled water is acidic, so it is important to put alkalizing minerals back in.


Notes ?

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