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Hello There. Ive always wonderd this and it would be nice to get some feedback , no punn intended. To me there are only two guitars ,Gibson les paul and Fender USA strat. I live in the UK and to me they are the holly grail and to own both it realy makes me very proud they are very special .Two different guitars for different jobs, The les paul I use for rock and strat for blues .My question is do Americans see it the same way because there made in the USA. If there was a guitar name as big in the UK I dont think I would be that bothered. I hope this makes some sought of sence. These are guitars that ive wanted for a long long time and it was worth the wait.

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I can't speak for all Americans, however I don't believe there is a strong opinion here that LP's are only for rock and Strats only for blues. I used to be of the opinion that Strats were much more versatile, but for certain specific tones, LP's had the ultimate sound. Since I purchased my LP Studio a few years ago, I was surprised to find that it covers more musical styles than I originally thought and this certainly includes blues. I still love the LP tone best, but I have to admit that I find a Strat to be a little more of a friendly and forgiving instrument. The LP will show your mistakes real quick. They are still the two guitars that all others seem to be judged in comparison to.

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Hey LT ED:


I have always thought of Heavy Blues when I see a LP. This was probably burned into my brain from seeing and hearing Jimmy Page play. I know what you mean about having pride in your guitars - I take really good care of my Gibson and love to show it off!



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I have both...

I have a Stevie Ray Vaughan Stratocaster, and a Gibson Les Paul Standard.

Two different beasts....

One could never take the place of the other.

I think of the Strat as a blues machine, and the Paul as my powerhouse rock unit.

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actually it has some reflective material added... and this guitar was originally black, i made a lot of mods you can read about in this thread:




She is an epiphone special, the original model i believe as it was bought 14 years ago and is made in korea (not china), also at the time the only available colors were black and sunburst, this one was black.

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