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Question on tone


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Nickblues, I live in the Metropolis of Freeport. We`re practically neighbors. Did I mention that i`m really not worth a crap at guitar playing. Just getting back into it in the last year and a half. I was in a drug induced coma for about 5 weeks following a serious Harley accident, and when I came out of it a lot of things were gone, including most of what I learned about music. Funny how that happens. I didn`t even know my wife for a while. Any way,if I can`t get superb tone, I don`t even want to play. Can`t afford a Gibby right now, and seriously don`t need one with This Epi, as far as playability and craftsmanship., It`s a Classic Plus, and was a little hot for my tastes. Yeah I love jazz and blues. I have a Joe Pass to practice jazz on. I study music and basically play what I`m feeling at the time, to the best of my ability and knowledge. The problems associated with forums are many. The biggest being assumptions. Take the word assume. Break it down And It says that you have made an *** of me and U too. Bygones are bygones, bygolly. I hope that noone takes this personally. Thats ceartainly not what I`m about. I don`t like insulting anyone, and try hard not to assume anything about anyone I don`t know Ther are many better guitar players than myself on this forum. They deserve the praise because they have done the work to get that way I`m just an old putz that trys to capture some of the magic of trying to make my guitars talk too me. I`m gonna keep at it and I hope you guys and gals do also

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I have been to Freeport a few times. I used to work in Rockford near the airport selling Goodyear Earth mover type and semi tires in one of my past lives. Been doing PC's for the past 26 years now out of Crystal Lake. Your still a young man, I myself am a baby at 60. Just a hobby anymore is right with me also. Can't blame ya for chasing your tone at all.


I think if you could find another Epi Classic 57 - not a plus, and stick it in the Bridge you would be happier with it.

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We all cultivate our strengths if we have any sense.

I'd bet that 90% of the folks on these pages are technically far better players than I could ever be.

I'm just not blessed with that kind of talent

That's why down the years I've learn't to concentrate on tone, dynamics and feel.

I just wish sometimes that a few more technically gifted players would give these things a passing thought !O:)

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We all cultivate our strengths if we have any sense.

I'd bet that 90% of the folks on these pages are technically far better players than I could ever be.

I'm just not blessed with that kind of talent

That's why down the years I've learn't to concentrate on tone' date=' dynamics and feel.

I just wish sometimes that a few more technically gifted players would give these things a passing thought !O:) [/quote']


Dickey Betts is a shining example of tone and riff structure, IMHO. He believes in beginning a solo quietly and thoughtfully, building as he gets into the second part. By the time he finshes a solo, you've been taken from one end of the spectrum to the other. (i.e. Fillmore East)


Warren Haynes is another example of great blues tone. Thick, gutsy, overtone rich humbucker sounds that reach out and grab you around the heart.


I gigged constantly as a weekend warrior from '65 to '85. Everyone in our group were workaday musicians. We played Friday and Saturday nights and practiced on Wednesday. We did covers of everything from country to hard rock, with some old standards mixed in. We had a following that kept us playing constantly through the disco era, when few clubs were paying bands to come in and play. The key to staying employed was that we booked corporate parties, local annual events, and filled in the empty spots by playing at the clubs on the local air force base. In '85 I got tired of being out til 3 and 4 in the morning and hung it up. Now, I am with a pretty talented bunch of musicians who play at a contemporary christian service at church and liking it very much. It keeps me playing and satisfies my desire to play in front of a crowd.

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I know this forum is about Epi guitars but I really enjoy hearing about other people's experiences about gigging through the years or "the old days". I'll be 60 in a couple of days but all the years on stage, (though some are a blur) lol, bring back some fond hilarious, scary, sometimes disappointing and extremely satisfying times. The guys that are currently playing, I'm sure, have interesting input, like what it's like to be gigging today. Anyone interested in a new topic?

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