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fresh from the box LP custom


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After that post i made here long time ago about lp customs, i finally bought one.

that "little thing" is so fantastic and has a beautiful sound.


i am thinking about doing some modifications on it in the future, but just when the warranty expires. i wanted the guitar to have a more powerful roar, more metal-oriented.

can you suggest me some pickups to turn it into a metal goddess?


by the way, i just love its killing look with the gold hardware. if i traded the pups was there any way of having two gold ones also, not to spoil its image?


thank you from this epi rookie ](*,)


P.S. as from what i read, it is policy of the forum to show new guitars, so here it is mine. it's not the best of photos but it's the only one i took yet.



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I think you can get the 496R and 500T set from Gibson with gold covers. They should do nicely for those heavier music styles' date=' all without requiring a battery in the guitar.[/quote']


+ 1 on that Spud! Good combo!


Welcome to the forum, and HNGD! Nice looking Custom!

What AMP are you using...you may not have to change pickups,

just adjust the amp, accordingly? Just a thought...



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i'm using a little 20w amp that came with my first guitar, a strat copy i bought some years ago.

im thinking about buying a new amp next month, when the next paycheck arrives :D/


maybe if i get a good amp i wn't need to alter the guitar itself, like CharlieBrown said.

i thought about a 60w amp, any suggestions on that, for the sound i look for?


thank you all for your help ;)

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up to €300 if possible... if not you can always suggest any amp you recommend and its price. if i eventually decide for one of those it just meant i had to wait a little longer to buy it, wich wouldn't in any case be a problem.



P.S. humm i just noticed that the majority of users are from usa, so make it around 470 dollars. i'm sure i can find any product you name in europe for its correspondant price.

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Well, "Metal" is usually "Marshall Stacks," or something similar.

Unfortunately, in that price range, the MG series 1/2 Stack is about

550-600...and it's solid state, as opposed to "tube!" Go to:

www.musiciansfriend.com and look under Marshall amps, or any

other brand you're interested in...they have a good selection, and

will give you some idea, as to "prices," so you can compare with

your stores, locally. I understand "European" pricing is (usually)

higher? So, it will only be a "starting point!"


Good hunting..


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For metal you will not go wrong with EMGs. I just installed the 81/85 in my custom and they are amazing for metal. I think you can get gold covers for them as well. The battery issue isnt one as long as you unplug every time you put the guitar down after playing. A battery should last you around 3 months at least if not longer. They are rated at 3000 hours with a single battery and proper use. As far as amps go I would look into the new Line6 spider valve series. They are great and versatile but they really scream with some serious metal sounds.

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Are we talking "Bedroom" practice/playing, or "gigging?"

If it's the former...then any decent "combo" amp, especially a "tube"

version, will do the job, along with a nice "metal" distortion pedal.

Could be a LOT less expensive, that way, too. Fender "Blues Junior," or

Hot Rod Deluxe, are both excellent amps. And "Tubes" as well.

The Hot Rod Deluxe is WAY loud, for it's size. I use the Blues Junior, in

small clubs and bars, with no problem being "heard" at all!

They can do "metal" with the right stomp box, but of course it's

not like a row of Marshall Stacks. LOL!



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Nice guitar....I've got one of those myself, albeit in a lefty model.


I found the tone to be sort of dark and muddy with the stock pickups. I ended up putting the Burstbucker Pro pups with Alcino V magnets in mine...now it's got a really nice, bright tone.


But for metal? Hmmm.....Probably the EMG 81/85 set or the Tony Iommis.


EDIT: And yes, it's a fair enough thing to be obsessed with the gold h/w. (Be wary of the bridge saddles though.) The Iommis come in gold...and worst-case scenario you could get a 490/498 series set of pups (although I don't know if that's going to be worth it considering that series of pups are not that much better than what comes stock in those guitars.)


PS: Kent Armstrong, anyone?

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