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rivoli bass amp

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Well, the good news is that you can still find those old tubes pretty cheep. If your amp is the 9-tube EA-70 model, the bad news is the 6EU7 is getting rare and expensive. There is a modern production Sovtek 6EU7 for $19 - $22 bucks. And the 6BM8 too. Modern versions sell for $16 and up. 6L6's are generally $30+ per pair. At least you can still get an NOS 6BD6 for $4 bucks.


What's it worth? On Fleabay, in these hard times? Who knows. All I can say is good luck and set a minimum so they don't steal it. But hey, if it works and all those nine tubes sound good, I'd definitely keep it. It's got a compression circuit that's got to be interesting for endless guitar solo sustain! The rest may only need a little tweaking to get some distortion out of it.


But if it's the five tube EA-65, I still might want to keep it, although JJ 7591's are not cheep at $34 bucks each! [-o<





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Gil, Thanks for your imput. If I were a guitar player I would keep it. My kid is a jazz drummer and I need to buy him a second kit so we don't have to be transporting drums 1000 miles back and forth to school. Hence I am selling the amp to help buy drums. If the Rivoli were yours and you were putting it on ebay, where would you set the minimum? Thanks, Kelly


PS I forgot to mention it has 9 tubes that match the schematic drawing tube placement of the EA-70. I didn't see anywhere the model no.

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That's a tough one. And honestly, if I had a lick of business sense, I'd be out making money. So, worthless as it may be, here's my 2 cents anyway.


Frankly, I just don't think that amp will command the heavy bidders that even the most raggedy old Fender certainly would. However, if the amp still works, and if the cab's not too beat to hell, and if the speakers don't have any holes; then I'd probably set the minimum at $200 to $500 (depending on what kind of shape it's in) and pray it doesn't drive away bidders. On the other hand, it often boils down to the hype, and too low a minimum may give buyers the impression you don't buy into the hype and/or the tone just totally blows chunks. If you can find a glowing review from someone famous to link to and let the lookeeloos drool over that, (especially if it'll convince them your amp is actually more desirable than a comparable vintage Fender amp) there's no telling how much it could bring in, although I still doubt it would get close to the Fender's selling point.



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