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Playing my Les Paul...


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No way!!! Spain rules!!!


Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!! Spain!!

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Gano españa??? Por cuantos goles? Y estuviste tocando durante todo el partido? Que suerte tienes... yo no logro acercarme a mi Les Paul desde hace una semana... (mucho trabajo).


Spain won??? How many goals? And you managed to play your guitar through the whole game? Lucky you... I havent been able to get near my Les Paul for a week (too much work...).

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Final score was Spain 1 Germany 0... was a great game!!! Yes I had my LP clasic Cherry burst with me the whole time.... Just happens to be the same colors of Spain... =P~/


Your right it was AWESOME, I watched most of it at dinner.

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