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Firebird custom shop?


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I found an Epi firebird in the worn cherry finish with a case . I was just wondering what you guys thought about those guitars. The guy said it was a custom shop. I'm gonna try to check it out today if I can. I've never played thany of those before but I think the guys in Tesla play them and I have always liked them.

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Don't think the worn cherry is Custom Shop. That sounds more like the Firebird Studio. However it's possible they brought some out as CS models before committing to the Studio model. Any way if it is a CS model it'll have the CS/LE logo on the back of the headstock where it joins the neck.



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Hey, lpfan ...


I really can't speak to the whole "Custom Shop" thing, but I can tell you that I am very happy with my Epiphone Firebird VII. The Epi "birds" are not neck through the way the Gibsons are ... although the bodies are carved to make them resemble the Gibson design. Also, they employ the standard style tuners as opposed to the banjo tuners on the original.


That having been said, however ... the Epi has a marvelous sound. Different from a Les Paul or SG. To me it is almost Fender-like, but with much more chrunch and depth. One of the guys in here suggested that the source of the unique sound may be from the reverse headstock making the bass strings the longest in the set. I thought this was really very insiteful as a possible reason.


One last thing to remember ... Firebirds came equipped with mini-humbuckers ... another source of their "original" sound. The current crop of Epi's come with standard humbuckers. This is probably going to make them sound more like an SG. Still, I think they are a great playing and looking guitar. You're not going to see 30 of them at your next audition either! Good luck and keep us posted!





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I'm not sure either. I found it on Craigslist. He's asking 300 and I offered him 200 cash right now but I haven't heard anything else from him. I figured he would come back with an offer of 250 or something close. I'll let you know what happens. Also the Epi website says its a setneck. Is there a big difference in tone or sustain if its a set neck instead of neck thru the body?

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It looks like I'm gonna have to pass on this one. The dude won't come down on price and I don't have the 300 bones to spare. On the flipside my buddy at the local shop said he would let me have the butterscotch blonde fender squier tele for 150 instead of 180. Thats a little easier on the pocketbook. I guess I'll take him up on that one. I've played this one a couple of times and have really been GASsing for it. I'll even have enough change leftover to make a payment on my goldtop.

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