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Dot Studio mods, ideas, questions, suggestions...

Sheik Yerbouti

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First of all, I apologize for those of you who belong to other forums that I do where I have posted this same thread. I just figured if I'm fishing, I should throw out as much bait as possible.

Anyway, I have a wonderful Dot Studio which I am going to mod with

1) GFS Retrotron Liverpool pups - I'm gonna give these a shot at putting in myself

2) Bigsby B7(00) - Not sure if I feel comfortable doing it myself, although that youtube video is really good




Has anyone here played the Liverpools through a semi-hollow?

Can I add a 2nd volume and tone to add some complexity to it? I'm not sure about drilling holes into the body ;)


I know folks here have modded their Dot Studio, as it's a great platform to do it. Just wondering if anyone has tried the 2nd vol and tone.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi Sheik,


I'm sure TWANG will see your thread and reply. He bought and re-modded my already modded Dot Studio. I know he can help with extra pots. IMO, the GFS Retro-Liverpools would be interesting pickup mod. I thought about those myself.



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I've got a couple of bigbys, too. *s*


I added a tone and volume, and a series/parallel switch for the middle position on the three way to give two sounds.


Went very nicely and I can give you an idea or two on that.


With care and some of those locking plastic string ties you can even keep all your wiring out of the soundhole.. nice clean look.


I added a switch plate cover pickguard and output jack cover in matching plastic, too.


The bigsby goes on sweet, there are only a couple of parts where you have to be sure it's on right.. but the rest is easy.


You might want to think about a roller bridge.. I went with graph tech saddles and I don't have a bigsby on it.


If you search back for any Big Red post.. you'll see the dot.

the holes are easy, too.. came out just right, so I can tell you how I did that if you like.



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