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Well folks, it's finally happened.


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Sheriff knocked on my door today, and handed me an eviction notice. As a result, I am being forced to sell off everything but my Mandolin, and my ratty acoustic, to make an attempt to pay off back rent owed. Tried selling stuff on Craigslist (biggest waste of bandwidth out there), decided to just clean up everything as nice as I can make it, and bring it all down to Guitar Center, see what they offer. And it is truly with a heavy heart that I must part with my most beloved, and trusted Blue Bomber, but it was a good stretch, and I have almost 70 songs at the 'click I can listen to half of them done with that guitar, maybe do a few Bluegrass numbers with the stuff I still have, and...I can always get another guitar. Am I bitter?...................yes and no. Will I get another? Eventually. Will it be an Epiphone? Probably. Has this whole thing left me a bit cynical? Absolutely. But not to worry, I'll still be buggin all y'all after the shock of no electric guitar has worn off. And hopefully by the grace of God, I can actually find work, although at this point, I'm not holding my breath. Anyway, pip-pip, cheerio, and all that rot.

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Oh, Man....that's truly a drag! I'm sorry, Matiac, about your situation. But, don't give up hope, things have a way of turning around, eventually.

Sorry, about the "Blue Bomber!" Hang in there...


Have you thought about putting your stuff on the "Trading Post" of this forum? Might get more for it, that way, too?

Who knows....



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Sorry to hear about the bad luck.....


Though we love your presence and contributions here, it's probably time to devote 110% of your time doing a full court press on finding any type of employment, to even working two jobs...


Whatever you decide, we will keep your seat warm.....


keep a chin up.

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Bubba ... I'm so sorry to hear that you're in such a fix. I am terribly afraid that hearing Guitar Center's offer is not going to do much to improve your mood! CB is right ... get their offer and then post it up on the forum here and over at the Wiki. Shoot, we all feel as if we know that guitar at this point ... not to mention our affection for you, what harm could it do?


Please let us know how everything turns out. I just sent my own personal message to the "Boss" asking him to give you an even break ...



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Matiac I am truly sorry to hear about your hard times right now. I will pray for you and your family. I'm sure that things will get better in the long run. I wish you nothing but the best in the future. Maybe this is just a bump in the road to change your path and get you on a better trail. Alot of people are having a tough time right now so don't feel like your alone. Good luck brother!

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Dude' date=' very sorry to here about your financial woes. I'd try Craigslist first. I don't think GC will offer you much for your stuff. Good luck.[/quote']+1. I tried to sell over $2,000 worth of (practically new) gear to them, and the bastards were only going to give me like $300 for all of it.


It was basically everything in my sig. Minus the digital drum kit.

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I don't know why I didn't think of this before ...


When you're over at Guitar Center' date=' [i']hit 'em up for a gig [/i]... it's working for me!




You know, that is a very good idea.


And after a few prospective customers had heard you "demo" the instruments, I'm certain some of them would be interested in taking lessons from you. The way you effortlessly wail out solos on the Bomber is how most of us wish we could play.


It's something to think about...

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Yeah, times are tough. There are alot of times where I've been thinking about selling my guitars. My bank account looks something that's been stolen... Twice!

There is not any jobs going around. Right now I'm working very few hours a week at a place I hate, but It's better than not to have a job.

Already sold my amp. So I know what you're going through.

Don't like this one bit...

Godspeed and prayers man!

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As a fellow Rhode Islander, I know just exactly how bad the job market is over there. Concerning your gear, if you are forced to sell it, might I suggest going through E-Bay? Guitar Center will lowball you and Craig's List is filled with nothing but scammers and whiners who will do their best to lowball you also. Maybe you could see if GC has any openings, it doesn't hurt to try. Stranger things have happened. Anyway, I do hope that things work out for you and that in time, you'll be able to get back on your feet again. God bless!

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Hi Matiac, I am most sorry to hear of your trouble and I hope you find a path out soon. I think you really need to maximize your return on the BB and GC certainly is the worst avenue to pursue regarding that. Stick with Craig’s list or EBay and give it a week. Craig’s List is your best bet as it is free. I'm not sure what field you’re in or what led to your current situation but I hope you find the strength and courage to persevere. As others mentioned perhaps you can find work by providing guitar instruction or selling guitars? It's worth a shot.

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Sure am sorry to hear that G&F. I have been out of work a year myself and although I still have a roof over my head I do know hard times. Just remember though; guitars will come and go. You will have another guitar and will have another that you will love as much as the " Blue Bomber ". Good luck to ya buddy.

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Wow, Mat. This is terrible...and all too common these days for such a great country with great people such as yourself. Its a shame that you need to sell BB to pay the back rent. I dont know if I could do it myself. We'll all remember her fondly and hope that she goes to a good home. But more importantly, we'll be keeping you and your family in our thoughts, hope and prayers that you find a good home for yourself and get back on your feet quickly.


Best of luck, and if you leave the forum for awhile, we understand. Just dont be gone for TOO long, ok?

Your presence here is a welcome one and most appreciated.



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Wow. It really saddens me to hear this. I dont know matiac at all but knows what he is going through. I once went 9 months without income and with a bay on the way. Anyway, I wish you only the best and hope that you can find something and all the smoke clears.


My prayers go to you,



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Wow guys, thanks for the well wishes, and it's all good, a roof over my kid's heads is far more important to me than a guitar, and there's plenty of them out there. 'Ol Blue will be in the archive of my mind forever, she's a hell of a guitar. As for what I do, for the last 12 years I've driven a heavy truck in some capacity, except tankers, was a welder at E.B. in Groton Ct. (stick, mig, flux core, braze, carbon-arc gouging, got a grip on tig somewhat), have my forklift license, pretty knowledgeable about a warehouse environment, used to know how to mend a net, but can't get the hang of it now to save my life (no pun). Problem with all these occupations is the condition of my back...DANGEROUSLY close to another plate in my lumbar, and getting bounced around in a truck ain't gonna do it any good, and going back to E.B. isn't an option either, too many tight spots I'd have to get to to weld, my doctor recommended filing for dis-ability, which will be a 3 year wait (what am I supposed to do in the meantime?) I suppose I could flip burgers at Mickey D's see how long that lasts before I punch the half-my-age manager in the mouth getting fired and arrested, which I don't really need at this time. But no, I've been in some pretty tough rows before, and got out reasonably intact, I often think all of this is a test to see how much bullscat I can take before I snap, I dunno, I still get bummed out over having to sell my SG (Gibson), so 'Ol Blue will undoubtedly be no different. But again thanks guys, it really does mean a lot.

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Guest icantbuyafender

Man, reading this really put a fist in my gut.


if I had extra cash Id spot you $300 and hold onto 'blue till you could pay it back.


man, I really hope you get this sorted out.


Try BEGGING for jobs at music stores.


Try walmart, Target, anything!


oh man... This week started off in the crapper and keeps getting worse.


Chin up man, roll with the punches.

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I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles Matiac, like the others said it really pains me to hear about the financial woes of great people like yourself. I really hope you'll find some work soon and try not to get discouraged. I'm young, I have no idea what it takes to raise a family but it really shows you care for them deeply. I'm hopeful that if you and many others out there show even half of the devotion to their families towards finding and keeping work, they'll turn out fine in the end.


Remember: Keep on Truckin'

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Matiac, I'm always sorry to hear when a fellow guitar player falls on hard times and has to sell his most

prized posessions. I know how much you loved your ol' Blue -Bomber Epi Les Paul Classic. I wish you the best my friend. Hopefully these hard times will pass and you can somehow replace what you've had to let go of. You're in my prayers. I, as well as the others in the Forum always enjoy you feedback in whatever way it comes, whether technical, jovial, or one of you YouTube videos.

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