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wierd phenomenon

Guest icantbuyafender1281734135

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Guest icantbuyafender

A buddy of mine has his LP wired up but his volume pots dont fully silence the guitar.


Its more like a subtle drop in frequency resembling how a tone control works, only smaller.


what gives?


i looked at it, and the only thing he didnt do was bend back the 3rd leg of the volume pots and solder them to the back of the pot.


all pots are grounded together tho, and the switch wires have that funky "connector" thing they like to use.


Does the bridge pup need a ground from the switch since Epi put one from the switch to neck pup and switch to input jack?


what about soldering the 3rd legs as ground to the back of the pot? is it necessary?



he did it like this: http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=2h_2v_2t_3w


but the 3rd legs of the volume pots are not soldered back and are not grounded, and the switch has a ground to the input jack also.


why are his volumes not working right?


his grounding is in a different path, but still, all parts are grounded.


Im flat confused.

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MUST solder "third leg"!!!

I just installed new electronics in my Halo Invert, mini-LP,

70's Hondo II, etc...Soldering the third "leg" of the volume pot

is the FIRST step I do before beginning to solder the tone caps,

etc. I use the very same SD wiring diagram you mentioned......

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There are some great pot wiring diagrams on the Seymour Duncan website. After failing miserably to decipher the crappy GFS schematics, I tried these with a recent tele upgrade and they work like a charm:




And yes, as mentioned above you do have to connect the third lug, otherwise the internal faranistan is not grounded...

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