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Got a Question regarding Epiphone EJ-160E Guitar/ HNGD to me!!


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Well,my main complain about this guitar was the REALLY low volume when plugged...(i think this is due the p-100 pick up).The best way that I found to fix this without spend lot of money was buying a Behringer ADI-21 acoustic amp modeler pedal. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000KITQK2/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apip_5wgUuQKdc93nl


I was going to install another pickup because I love this guitar - does that Behringer modeller really do the trick? can you get a passable sound that could be used for a gig?

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I was going to install another pickup because I love this guitar - does that Behringer modeller really do the trick? can you get a passable sound that could be used for a gig?

Yes mate,no bullshit. I bought this pedal because the extremly low volume (knobs on guitar at max,knobs vol and master vol on amp -Vox AD15 valvetronix- in max and still pretty low ...ok for a room but ...everything turned up and that volume?? nah) .with this pedal the volume reise up pretty good.And to be honest,this guitar sounds better unplugged but with this pedal you can get a much better sound when plugged. Of course I am not a guitar gear seller I just made a hugh research around the net trying to improve this guitar''s volume without spend too much money.I didn't find any answer so i took the risk and bought it (at least i could return the item if doesn't work as expected)

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FYI. I use a LPB1 Linear Power Booster pedal, bought for $40 USD from my guitars to the pedal then to the amp. It amplifies the guitar's signal before it gets to the amp and then the signal the amp receives to further amplify is stronger/louder. Works great on my guitar's that have a weaker output and great on guitars that have a strong output, so I use it all the time. It makes all my guitar's sound better.


Fact is Epi's are great guitars, but one of the differences between Epi electronics and Gibsons is the Epi's often have less power in their output. I have found a basic power boost pedal between the guitar and amp, remedies this issue, making the signal to the amp be up to where it is on a higher priced guitar.


Just my experience. I assume the boost pedal referenced in the prior post does the same thing.


QM aka Jazzman Jeff

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FYI. I use a LPB1 Linear Power Booster pedal, bought for $40 USD from my guitars to the pedal then to the amp. It amplifies the guitar's signal before it gets to the amp and then the signal the amp receives to further amplify is stronger/louder. Works great on my guitar's that have a weaker output and great on guitars that have a strong output, so I use it all the time. It makes all my guitar's sound better.


Fact is Epi's are great guitars, but one of the differences between Epi electronics and Gibsons is the Epi's often have less power in their output. I have found a basic power boost pedal between the guitar and amp, remedies this issue, making the signal to the amp be up to where it is on a higher priced guitar.


Just my experience. I assume the boost pedal referenced in the prior post does the same thing.


QM aka Jazzman Jeff

exactly mate

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