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2 broke les pauls, in one week

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Saddest story ever....


Traded in about 700 dollars worth of gear to get my first les paul this week. Im still glowing, and will be! I love this thing. Any way, i head home with my ebony beauty 2 days ago, tune it, and the bridge pulls out of the back...[cool] ok, doesnt end there though, i wake up this morning and return and exchange for an identical guitar, smile is back. Well it was, until i plugged it in to find the neck pickup isn't working. The inspection stickers were there, so why have i gotten two broken guitars fresh outta the box? TERRIBLE I Know, to make matters worse i put new strings on all my guitar when i get them, so now im out two packs of strings#-o Fortunately guitar center is awesome and is ordering me a third guitar (hopefully it isn't broke) but i have to wait 3-4 days to get it. I love the guitar but if the next one is broke im gonna just die.

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Hard to top that opening act. Whew, major bummer...

Obviously, you'll be be requiring a FULL in-store inspection

before even setting foot in the direction of an exit.


Welcome to the Forum, BTW!!!! I am hoping the GC Manager

offers up a freebie or two for all the hassle - one of our

members IS a GC employee, sooooo WHICH GC did you

go to? Perhaps a bit of sage advice may be offered?





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I'm gonna cry![cool]


Two broken BB's in one week? Maybe you should consider a 'burst. You know, one I wouldn't buy. That way your bad luck won't run through all the BB's in the world, before I can get mine.


Sorry to hear this!


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I'll venture a guess that the one the TP pulled out of was the Indo correct?


Bum pup was the China? Just get them to fix the pup for you, most the time the hacks at GC are at least able to solder a pickup in, even though they use globs of solder and more than not burn the guitar.

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well they called and said it should be tuesday' date=' and i asked to make sure it is in the box! I would think some kind of store credit should be offered up, but honestly ill be happy with a functional lp[/quote']

Good Luck! And remember, three strikes and you get a 'burst! Just leave me one good BB out there, okay!?


Let us know how it works out for you, and of course, I want pics!!


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That really sucks that two guitars had problems. I would call the manager and ask that they do a full complimentary set up and inspection before you make the drive out again. Be sure to emphasis your wasted time and money on their products. They should take care of you.


I had an Epi LP Standard that I bought new in 1996, the bridge pickup sounded great but the neck pup always sounded weak compared to my Gibson Studio. I just thought that was due to the way they were made. Anyway, long story short 10 years later I decided to upgrade the three way toggle switch and low and behold the guitar "came to life". Both pickups sounded fuller and the guitars sound was right there with my regular Gibsons. Now I don't sweat the electronics issues too much because I plan on upgrading pots and switches anyway.

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Welcome to the Forum' date=' BTW!!!! I am hoping the GC Manager

offers up a freebie or two for all the hassle - one of our

members IS a GC employee, sooooo WHICH GC did you

go to? Perhaps a bit of sage advice may be offered?



Sage advice, huh? Well ... a couple of things come to mind:


1. What the hell do you know about Guitar Center, Peter? You live in god-damn Germany!!!


2. You folks DO realize that Guitar Center does not actually MAKE any of the products they sell in their stores, right? How about aiming a little bit of this ire towards the actual manufacturer? Epiphone is the one spittin' this crap out of any third-world sweat-shop that puts in the lowest bid!


NOT being defensive though! B) [biggrin] [biggrin]


Seriously, it's a bummer that you've had to go through two DOA's, warrior ... hopfully this one will prove to be the "charming third". I guess I really can't blame my fellow forumites for their bitterness towards GC. After all, I'm sure that no "Mom and Pop" shop ever sold a defective Epiphone! Sounds to me like your local shop is doing the best they can with a rotten situation. Hope they continue to serve you to your satisfaction.


How's that ... sage enough?



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Sage advice' date=' huh? Well ... a couple of things come to mind:


1. !@#$%#$!@#!%!!!!!


2. $!%^$*#!@@ spittin' this crap out!


B) [biggrin [biggrin]


How's that ... sage enough?




Geeeeee, Midi - You automatically assume I was down on GC. Not at all.

I didn't I.D. any specific forum member as a GC employee, leaving the option

to even comment up to YOU. All I had thought was that if you chose, you could

recommend to a CUSTOMER the best course of action to take IF the Management

didn't do so FIRST! If I were handling this (yeah, I'm former Music Store Retail Manager),

I WOULD go a bit EXTRA to "apologize" for the negative experience.


Wasn't expecting the Chain Saw to be fired up!!!! [biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin]


All is Good, it's "sage"...



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The way I see it, Guitar Center sold the goods and should stand by them. Just Like a car dealership should stand by a crap car they might sell. They made money off the transaction and owe it to the customer to make it right.

If they choose to carry a certain brand of guitars then they are endorsing them and should make sure that they work as advertised when they leave the store. Having to drive back and forth a few times and then re-order your guitar is pretty bad business. I'm sure if one of their guitar tech guys took a quick look they probably could have fixed either guitar pretty quickly and looked like hero's but instead they just re-order and make the customer (who already paid good money) wait longer. Me? I'd be PO'd and take my business elsewhere... but then again I only buy broken guitars so what do I know. ha.

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Guys ... I'm not offended or defensive about Guitar Center. I just work there and am not consulted regarding company policies. How many "smiley faces" do I have to put in my posts anyway???


As for GC taking responsibility for defective guitars, they exchanged it once and then ordered a brand new one for warrior ... how else do you feel it should have been handled? If they said, "Sorry, it's a warranty repair ... go yell at Epiphone!", I could understand all the *****ing, but they are standing by the sale!


Salo drew the comparison between GC and a car dealership. I don't know where you buy your cars, but no dealership that I know of is going to replace a defective vehicle. It is going to be repaired whether it is two years old or two days. He also stated that. "if one of their guitar tech guys took a quick look they probably could have fixed either guitar pretty quickly and looked like hero's but instead they just re-order and make the customer (who already paid good money) wait longer." Would any of you guys want a repared guitar the just has the bridge pull off it? I wouldn't and would insist on a differen't guitar!


You folks also expect GC to play-test every guitar in the place to ensure it's reliability. Did the customer play the guitar before he walked out of the store with it? Did he buy it even though it was obviously defective? No, all of these problems occured after the guitar was home, so checkig it at the store would have accomplished exactly zip!


Finally, I'll say this again. In this entire thread, only Musikron and myself have mentioned Epiphone's current lack of QC in the manufacture of these instruments. I know we all love the brand, but don't they share at least some of the blame here? This is a crappy situation and I think any one of would be pissed if it happened to us, but, quite frankly, I think you guys are doing the equivalent of shooting the mailman because you don't like what he delivered to you!


I say that if warrior gets his third guitar and finds it to be defective, he should buy a Fender ... or if he really wants a Les Paul type instrument, go with an Agile from Rondo. That will cut both Epi and GC out of the picture!



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go with an Agile from Rondo.


AMEN !!!!!!! my AL-3000 is a truly amazing guitar...........It's more like an old Gibson than.......than........even a new Gibson is.

Made in Korea & costs less than any Chinese (ahem!) or Indonesian (AHEM!) equivalent.

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I actually called epiphone as well. The man i talked to took inspector codes and serial numbers and what not. The only reason i didnt check these at the store is one, they both still had the stickers, and i had faith in epi that they wouldnt be broke. The pup issue i can fix myself, but i shouldnt have to. The only thing im looking for is some replacement strings i keep buyin. Like i said before though, ill be happy with a functional les paul. I didnt know that epi was made in indonesia in the first place!

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ok well then, thank you all for the warm forum welcome. Sorry about any misunderstandings my post may have created. I would like to say though that i was mainly just venting and not about gc or epiphone, but both. Epiphones quality control shouldve been better, and yes gc should check guitars that are being put on the show wall. They only had two in stock and both were broke, definitely shouldve got noticed. Yes i am also mad at myself for not checking before leaving but understand that ive only been playing for 6 mnths and rely depended on both institutions for quality.


I will continue to shop at guitar center for epiphone products for the rest of my days as a guitarist (hopefully forever) and still feel they are both trust worthy companies, i just have bad luck. The only reason i feel that i should be apologied to is because of inconvenience. Three trips to gc, and strings wasted. I would think a ten maybe twenty dollar giftcard or something would be in order. I have spent a good bit of time and money in the store and would think that in 6 months spending about a grand on amp, pedals, and 2 guitars. Yes all cheap-o but valuable to me and money is money.


I really do have bad luck though huh?


Once again thank you all for welcoming me to this forum

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WP - Welcome to Forum again, and don't even concern

yourself! Athough pretty RARE, we do occasionally "Squabble"

on here - lots of folks from all over the Globe will have differing

thoughts, can't get along 100% of time!


I'm here to discuss, learn, observe projects in progress, get

ideas for my own use, etc. There are Folks here who have

invaluable knowledge, and I can snag some occasionally!


I don't think any of us here intentionally mean ill-will torward

each other, jes get mixed signals once in a while.

No "Schadenfreude" here!


[biggrin][cursing] [cursing]

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Sooooooooo . . . When is the new one coming in, and when are we going to see some pics!?


Jim, remember when I first came here and you thought . . . and I meant . . . and I made you hot cocoa? Same thing, just a misunderstanding of the written word. Can't see the writer's face and hear the inflections of speech, etc. It happens. And I'd love to have a GC near me.



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The GC here took my guitar out of the unopened sealed box and gave it a through inspection. The sales person even took the time to reseal the box with tape,before leaving the store. I guess they do this to cover both parties.


Welcome to the forum, and I hope the next geetar you get is in better condition.

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thewarriorpope, who is your salesman there? I always deal with Arnie (little older than most of the guys)


Anyway if it's Arnie have him flog it a bit while you're there, he'll play the hell out of it, if it's bad I'm sure he'll find it.


A new one might work out better for you as the ones hangin on the wall are fodder for all the wanabe rock stars who just come in to beat on a guitar and ever buy anything :)

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