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vox vt20+


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has anyone played the vt20+? i am very interested in this amp. i was looking at the vt1 but this looks like it blows the features out of the water. im wonderingif it has the same features just mre of them. does it sound as good? hows the power? whats everyonet hink of the amp?



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Hi Shaine,

I bought one last week after deliberating for a long while what amp to buy. I borrowed my brothers VT15 and was very impressed, but when I tried a VT20+, its miles better. The amp modeling is far better than I expected, the effects are good, and so are the “pedal” effects (I don’t use effects pedals normally; there not really my cup of tea, but the overdrive is useful). The icing on the cake is the power control, which allows you to have the sound of a tube amp at full volume in a small room. I can’t comment on the volume at full power because I haven’t used it. Overall I love the amp and am sure that you won’t find better value for money.




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