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TV "Reality" shows...


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It never ends with the parade of TV "Reality" shows...


Now we have The Hasselhoffs coming to A&E.


What the hell is "realistic" about that?

Does ANYBODY hang out with Knight Rider and booze it up?



Reality TV my butt.


As soon as they come to my house and film me sitting at a computer in my underwear and broadcast it...


THAT is reality here at the NeoCon Compound.


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Reality TV is beyond the pale

Cheap shrieking morons

Trailer Trash...as Jerry Springer rightly coined the phrase

Cheap for the TV companies to produce

Cheap as the ubiquitous cooking programmes we cannot escape from


What we all need is Ideas, Creativity, Risk, Artistry, Love



V....I just saved the world


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we dont watch tv much these days. however the was a show aired here in saskatchewan, i think it was january 1st this year about the history of electric guitars, ( not the bbc imagine show) and i missed the end of and would be appreciative if anyone knows or remember what it was called or if its available as dvd or download.


but yes the so called reality stuff sucks ***, especialy the idol and talent type shows

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I guess it depends on the show and what you use it for.


I like American Pickers and Pawn Stars, but I've always had an interest in antiques and collectibles. My uncle made his fortune and retired to his condo in Daytona doing just what the pickers do, only buying old magazines. I went with him several times to do the picking. It was a blast!


I like Survivor, the original reality TV show, but that is because I've always found watching people be people fascintating. I'd go to bars just to watch the band... AND the drunks. Hilarious comedy that bested TV sitcoms hands down. We STILL like watching the drunks....


Unlike the majority of folks, I also like America's Got Talent and American Idol... partly because of people watching and partly because they've discovered some great talent. I think of bands like Daughtry and artists like Carrie Underwood and Kelly Pickler that I'd have never heard of had it not been for AI. There are others, too... everytime I turn around, I find another popular artist who broke big based on StarSearch.... I must be the only one who misses "The Next Great Amercian Band".



The wife and I also watch a fair amount of DIY shows. Blame the Brits and Alan Titschmarsh on "Ground Force" for that.... but from that genre of reality TV, we've gained a side walk outside our garage, 3 rock gardens, a multi level water feature, fixed the wet lands in the low spot in our yard, refloored our bathrooms, layed hardwood floors, built closet organizers, built a gardening work table... the list goes on and on. And don't get me started on all the recipes and flavor combinations I've come up with from the cooking shows we catch.





Don't get me wrong.... I think the reality TV market is in serious overkill... the aforementioned Hasslehoffs show being an excellent example, but like most anything else being painted with such a broad brush, I think there are worthy nuggets of goodness in amongst the chaff.


YMMV and hopefully it does. It'd be a horrible world if everyone liked the exact same thing I do [biggrin]

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Zonk... depending on the show, it's not done with scripts, by and large, it's done with creative editing. The results are arguably the same, tho!



The whole reason there IS reality TV is because the writers went on strike and there were no scripts to be had. I gotta say, from what I hear from most folks, the writers won in a big way.... they proved that with out them, TV as we knew it would die. Seems that's what most folks think happened, too, from the sound of it.



Perhaps next time the production companies will listen when the writers union asks for the same basic copywrite protection afforded others.



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Zonk... depending on the show, it's not done with scripts, by and large, it's done with creative editing. The results are arguably the same, tho!



The whole reason there IS reality TV is because the writers went on strike and there were no scripts to be had. I gotta say, from what I hear from most folks, the writers won in a big way.... they proved that with out them, TV as we knew it would die. Seems that's what most folks think happened, too, from the sound of it.



Perhaps next time the production companies will listen when the writers union asks for the same basic copywrite protection afforded others.




Fair enough, I used to watch Hell's Kitchen, liked it cause I like to cook. Well, after watching the same personalities doing the same thing years after year it seemed very scripted to me. And it eventually got to the point where it was a contest to see who could swear the most during their 'mini-interviews'. Well, I can always turn the tv off and play guitar! [thumbup]

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Funny we would think of the same show.... some of the Home Improvement style shows are CLEARLY scripted, too... down to the poorly delivered lines. I think most of them are just 1000 hours of film chopped down to 5 minutes of sound bytes...



Like I said... don't misunderstand... reality TV is in Overkill.


But I feel the same way about the crime drama shows... CSI: Miami. CSI: New York, CSI: Unsolved Crimes, CSI: Petty Vandalism, CSI: Strip Joint Health Code Violations...



Once the original CSI took off, TV was flooded with them. [unsure]

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All I know is, if I have to hear one more person reference Jersey Shore throughout the day I might just punch that person in the face. I just can't understand the attraction to that show, and others like it. There are some decent reality television shows out there, but they are usually following real people doing their jobs. I can't stand shows where they just put people in a house and tell them to act as outrageous as possible.

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On another note there is some good original programming out there. I've been watching "The Walking Dead" on AMC and it is really good, they actually have a few good shows on that channel. "Parks and Recreation" is another one. I'm just glad there are shows other than crime dramas coming out, I mean how many Law & Order, CSI, NCIS, etc. can they make.

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I like Survivor, the original reality TV show


I've always found watching people be people fascintating.

I'd go to bars just to watch the band... AND the drunks.

Hilarious comedy that bested TV sitcoms hands down. We STILL like watching the drunks....

Chan, I will offer that MTV started it all in the mid-eighties with The Real World.

Not a damned thing real about that show.


One show I watch a lot (rare indulgence for a news/history guy like me) is The First 48 on A&E.

NOT scripted, the only wild card might be a cop playing a bit to the camera - but I think the opposite is in effect.

I think the cops are very careful with their words and deeds, especially considering the crime is murder.

From what I've learned by being closer to some crimes than I like - and knowing some cops - it's a pretty gritty job.


No romance advertised, no happy endings promised, no baloney - THAT is Reality TV.

Too dark for Mrs. Neo, yet she watches the Estrogen Channel with all their Damsel in Distress/Murderous Men romance shows...




And yes Chan, I've always been an observer of people myself.

Don't need fiction if you open your eyes while out in the real world. [thumbup]

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Not to be argumentative, but my research shows both shows starting in 1992.


I do stand corrected, however, in that Survivor is listed as a "reality game show", and The Real World IS credited with starting the whole shebang.




Apparently the folks on TRW do it for the sake of being seen on TV?



I mean.... I'd rough it on a tropical island for 39 days for a shot at a million dollars, but.... [blink]

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That's what really gets me about reality shows. It seems these people have absolutely no self respect. Any of these people on Jersey Shore, or any of the Real Housewives, or The Real World, etc., should be completely embarrassed and ashamed of how they act on these shows. Not to mention the fact that I then have to listen to people I know regurgitate what they saw, or catch phrases they heard on these shows. It's sickening. God forbid you try and explain how awful these shows are, or how they are dumbing down the viewers, you get a look like you are crazy.

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No, I understand he is saying that reality television is scripted. And I don't doubt that at all, but shows like The Real World and such, choose real people. Even if they are told to do what they do, it still shows a severe lack of self respect on their part. As far as celebrity reality television, I could definitely believe that a lot of what they show is reality for those people, I certaintly don't know what a day in the life of a celebrity entails.

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