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Three Years Smoke Free......


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Good Luck to anybody wishing to quit smoking...


In my experience there are physical and psychological factors to consider

The nicotine addiction....how odd to need fixes of this concentrated poison circulating around one's system

The social habit of sharing the gift of pleasure

Smoking and drinking alcohol can be pure pleasure for the practiced user

The rarely mentioned gum disease/tooth loss as a result of smoking

Sir Walter Raleigh was 'such a stupid git'

The central role of boredom in the smoker's routine

Nicotine, Caffeine, Sugar, Alcohol seem to complement eachother

All seem to be linked to slave labour in one form or another


Needs careful planning and resolve....like not smoking in a new car




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For me it was making it a pita. I left my cigs in the truck, quit buying cartons, started smoking a brand that was hard to find... I was actually ready to quit weeks before my quit date but forced myself to keep smoking. It was EASY when I did quit. No withdrawals and a drinking straw over the visor kept the physical habit at bay while driving :)





Andy... you can quit, sir. You are much stronger than those little cylinders of death. Just keep trying. It took many attempts before I was successful.

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I kicked 'em 5 years ago after smoking 2 packs a day for 18 years. The best thing musically was that quitting restored a great deal of my upper registers that were lost over the years. I sing like a 20 year old again (I'm 45)! The easiest thing to say but THE MOST MEANINGFUL is that you have to be ready. Nobody can say or do anything to make it any easier. It comes from deep within. When you're ready, it's actually pretty easy.

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Congratz to Murph, and all of you who quit.


I hope that Andy will find a way to quit soon, it's such a nasty habit.


If anyone does decide to quit, I think it's important for the rest of us to support them as much as possible.


I never started, so I can't know how hard it is to quit.

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Well thanks to all for the encouragement and I have my times where I am in the state of mind to battle against smoking. Sometimes it lasts day, sometimes a month or two. I know my downfall is that I am a

Cig-aholic. When I quit I can never, ever, ever, justify having "Just one" That is always my downfall. I might do OK and have "Just one" and Still not smoke for a few more weeks or so but inevitably "Just One" Starts to happen more frequently until I just give up and start smoking again. So for all of the new quitters, Good luck! and never justify "Just one" and you will never smoke again. Now I just need to follow my own advice!

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Hey Andy; I would stop for 6 months and then one morning the car drove itself into 7-11 on the way to work. One day I had enough. Hang in there man, you'll get it right. Takes time.

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Damn that's one expensive habit. Congrats Murph! Now don't get any ideas on smoking your ES-339.[biggrin]


Hell, now they'e like $50.00 a carton. You can buy a new car/truck for what it cost to smoke cigarettes.



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Congrats man! Feels good eh.


I quit the day after Lou Rawls died of lung cancer back in Jan 2006.

I went from 3/4 octave back up to my pre-smoking 2.5 octaves in 4 months. And that's after smoking a pack a day for 31 years.

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Congrats man! Feels good eh.


I quit the day after Lou Rawls died of lung cancer back in Jan 2006.

I went from 3/4 octave back up to my pre-smoking 2.5 octaves in 4 months. And that's after smoking a pack a day for 31 years.

I always tell Smokers that you'll gain at least an octave after you quit. Then there's the damage it does to electronics. Musicians have so many reasons Not to smoke.

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