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She's gone.


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I'm sorry for you.....very sad..


I have companion pets as a neccessity..


I need them and my gal to literally keep me alive..


So, I understand your pain...............................Damian...

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I don't know the specifics as to the situation and I hope you don't mind me saying that when my Grandfather passed away I was devastated, but took some small comfort in knowing that wherever he is now he wasn't suffering anymore.


I'm truly sorry for your loss.

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Thanks guys. This is no fun. I spent all day with her for the most part. We had lots of company. She had gone to the ER Monday because she was so congested. They thought pneumonia had set in and they planned to get rid of the fluid but the Dr said it was the cancer taking over and sent her home.


To my knowledge she hasn't been aware of her surroundings since yesterday morning. Hospice had brought a hospital bed and oxygen and they upped her morphine. She made it plain she did not want to be in any pain. She left letters to our girls, which were given to them earlier tonight.


I had all the chances in the world to say goodbye and I used every one. I'm at a loss but thankfully it was quick.


I know this has nothing to do with Gibson guitars but you guys are my extended family.



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