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I got the honeyburst & it's a honey! (no pics cause I'm a lazy bxtt)

I havn't played a wilshire but the neck on mine is a flat D shape that is 1.68 wide at the nut & .740 thick @ the 1st fret.(all aprox.)

Width wise I think it is about average. Just over 1 7/16 it works well for me.

It is the thinnist neck of all of my guitars.Just a bit thinner than a Fender Am. Tele. and quite a lot thinner than my LPs.This is especially apparent farther up the neck as it seems to stay thin longer. It's a little hard to switch between guitars but I like the guitar once I get re-aquainted. Sort of like going btwn 24 3/4" & 25 1/2". Just takes me a minute to get my hand/brain thing going.

Hope that helps.



Thanks for the info! That seems to be exactly the same as the neck on my Wilshire. I'm not crazy about it really, but I'm not going to let that stop me from buying one. Like you said, after a few minutes you get adjusted to it. Can't wait for a store around me to get one in.


I'm just a bedroom player. Played for 25 years. I average a new guitar every 8-9 years. But with the Wilshire and the Nighthawk, that will be 2 in the last 2 years! I also recently saw the Epiphone 58 Korina Flying V and am gasing bad for that too! Damn you Epiphone for putting out cool, low cost guitars!!! Stop it!!! [laugh]



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Man, I have been looking all over for one of these.


I want one in Trans Black. Ive checked about 12 music stores online and everywhere says they will get them in around May 6th.


What a bummer.


Where are some of you guys getting yours from?


I just gave in an placed an order with Guitar Center online... The waiting begins.


Also, lets see some pictures guys!! Come one, the official pictures don't do it justice so I hear.

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i got mine from sweetwater- in black- they seem to get them faster than others for whatever reason. they are also a pure joy to deal with. ask for corey- he helped me out with not just this, but other purchases as well.

Man, I have been looking all over for one of these.


I want one in Trans Black. Ive checked about 12 music stores online and everywhere says they will get them in around May 6th.


What a bummer.


Where are some of you guys getting yours from?


I just gave in an placed an order with Guitar Center online... The waiting begins.


Also, lets see some pictures guys!! Come one, the official pictures don't do it justice so I hear.

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I just received my Fireburst last Friday, and also from Sweetwater (highly recommended). My first purchase from them (worked with Zach, whom I can also recommend), but I quickly followed that with case for the Nighthawk, a footswitch for my new Fender Mustang III, and a case for the NH. But wait, there's more....and this is coming from a guy with even longer intervals of guitar acquisition than mike529 (I've been playing the same two electrics for over 20 years!). I also have on order from Sweetwater a Gibson SG Special '60s Tribute and case, which I had to have after playing a P-90 equipped SG during my amp purchase.


The Nighthawk is sweet in tone, feel, and versatility. I hope all lookers are having luck finding theirs. I liked all the finishes, but the Fireburst was the one calling me, and it's my first burst guitar.


I thought Gibson's website did a good job in photographing the guitar. I don't think any pictures I take would be better, plus my Guinness Smithwicks is calling my name this happy St. Patrick's Day, so I'll pass on the pic taking at least for now. Cheers to all....

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Just got my new HB Nighthawk yesterday. Just a gorgeous guitar, neck is to die for. Will be replacing the neck and bridge pickups with a JB and a Seymourizer and rewiring to get an LP/Strat switchable arrangement, but the stock pups actually sound quite good, I am especially happy with the single coil.


I have noticed two issues, however, and wondering if anyone else has them:


1) The fingerboard on mine is most definitely rosewood. The colour is way to light to be ebony, and the grain pattern is clearly rosewood.


2) The knobs are speed knobs, not bell knobs.


Has anyone else had these issues? I bought it from a reputable dealer, and I am certain it's not a fake (I've owned about 20 Epis, and the NH would be hard to fake anyway, with the odd bridge pup), but I'm curious as to whether or not I've received a prototype (I know the first HB and FB posted on epiphone.com had RW boards).



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Yes, Germanic, I noticed the same two characteristics with the knob change and fretboard. On the fretboard, I can't be totally sure based on my own experience (this would have been my first ebony board), but the color and grain texture does look rosewood to me. It doesn't have the deeper black color and or tight grain I was expecting. Looking back at the Epi/Gibson Specs page, it does state the predictable disclaimer "In order to continually improve the design, quality and performance of our instruments and to make use of the best materials at all times, Gibson reserves the right to change specifications without notice." The knobs are more understandable, but the fretboard change (if that's the case) is more significant since they sang their own praises for including ebony although it's commonly regarded as an upgrade.


I'll ask my contacts at Sweetwater if they can confirm the fretboard change.


I was also happy to see Seymour Duncan commit to providing replacements for the slant HB, but I agree with Germanic that the stock pickup's tone is quite good as is. I like his hum/neck wiring thought too, but I'll be leaving this alone for a while - probably until I hear someone A/B the stock vs Duncan JB/'59 options!

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Just got my new HB Nighthawk yesterday. Just a gorgeous guitar, neck is to die for. Will be replacing the neck and bridge pickups with a JB and a Seymourizer and rewiring to get an LP/Strat switchable arrangement, but the stock pups actually sound quite good, I am especially happy with the single coil.


I have noticed two issues, however, and wondering if anyone else has them:


1) The fingerboard on mine is most definitely rosewood. The colour is way to light to be ebony, and the grain pattern is clearly rosewood.


2) The knobs are speed knobs, not bell knobs.


Has anyone else had these issues? I bought it from a reputable dealer, and I am certain it's not a fake (I've owned about 20 Epis, and the NH would be hard to fake anyway, with the odd bridge pup), but I'm curious as to whether or not I've received a prototype (I know the first HB and FB posted on epiphone.com had RW boards).





I picked up my NH yesterday at GC, and I thought at first it was kinda light to be ebony, but as soon as I put it on the wall next to Lucille (see pic) it was pretty obvious that it was an ebony fretboard. The pic really doesn't show the difference, but it's pretty obvious on the wall. Sorry for the monster size pic, but I was trying to make it big enough so that you could see the difference in the fretboard between the NH and Lucille.


Good catch on the knobs. I didn't even notice that the knobs were different. I bet they had to change them at the last minute because with the bell knobs, it was difficult to lift for the coil tap feature. It's not easy to do with the speed knobs either. That's my only complaint.


I really like this guitar. I actually bought Lucille 3 weeks ago while I was waiting for the NH. I got impatient and could stand the GAS any longer. GC called yesterday to tell me that they finally got 1 nighthawk in. I thought I would just go look at it, after all I couldn't justify 2 new guitars in 3 weeks....could I? Well after playing it for over an hour, I couldn't leave without it.



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Tx, thanks for the pic. The difference between your necks is clear. I have two other electrics with rosewood boards, but I'm not seeing as stark a difference. I put the question in to the folks at Sweetwater and Epi and will post any responses.


Great point on the top hats not working that well with the coil tap. I don't mind the swap in terms of aesthetics, but hadn't thought about the practical difference.


I hear you on the GAS attack. I haven't bought a guitar in over 20 years, but a week after I order the NH I also ordered a new Gibson SG Special '60s Tribute. Very unusual for me, but it sure feels good! The Lucille looks a beautiful player. I'm sure you're enjoying the heck out of both.

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Good to hear I'm not the only one who thought the fretboards are a bit light. I've contacted my local dealer as well to find out what the deal is. As far as the knobs go, I prefer the aesthetics of the bell knobs, will probably swap them out.


As far as the pickup swap goes, I'm installing a Superstrat switch with two push pulls, and this how I'm thinking of wiring it


All pots down


1. Bridge HB

2. Bridge SC Neck HB

3. Bridge HB Neck HB

4. Bridge SC Neck HB

5. Neck HB


Tone pot up, volume pot down


1. Bridge HB

2. Bridge HB and middle SC

3. Middle SC

4. Middle SC and Neck HB

5. Neck HB


Tone pot up, volume pot up


1. Bridge SC

2. Bridge SC and middle SC

3. Middle SC

4. Middle SC and Neck SC

5. Neck SC


Tone pot down, Volume pot up


1. Bridge SC

2. Bridge SC and Neck SC

3. Same as 2

4. Same as 2

5. Neck SC


I'm thinking this arrangement because it basically gives you four different guitar settings in one (LP, HSH, Strat, Tele), and since the majority of my collection is locked up in storage on another continent, it gets me close without having to have 4 guitars on hand to record with. Thoughts?


PS You could do this mod with the stock pickups as well, I'm just a big Duncan fan.

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Thanks for all the updates guys. Still waiting patiently for mine to come (May 6th!!...). I started cleaning up and modding my old Epi G-400 in the meantime to keep me busy.


I know for certain I will be upgrading the bridge pup to the Seymour Duncan JB. I swear by it.


I was wondering if people have recommendations on the mini humbucker at the neck. I looked at the three different ones that Seymour has to offer but they all have a logo molded onto the face. I didn't really like that so I was curious what people opinions on DiMarzio's are. I see they have two available with no logos. Look exactly like the stock pup. I have no experience with DiMarzio.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got it yesterday. all set up and ready to roll.


Nice neat wiring and the body looks like a solid chunk of wood, judging by what I can see in the input jack hole.







just found out mine was built in the unknown factory#23, in Oct. 2010

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Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that the mfr. had substituted speed knobs for the original bell style knobs. Does the NightHawk use push/pull pots for the coil split function? I recently installed a push/pull pot in my Epiphone Junior and ended up replacing the bell knob with a speed knob. The taper on the hat knob made it hard to keep a grip on the knob when pulling upward to engage the switch. You had to get your fingers beneath the knob to pull it up. With the speed knob I can engage the pull switch reliably because the knob is not tapered.

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Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that the mfr. had substituted speed knobs for the original bell style knobs. Does the NightHawk use push/pull pots for the coil split function? I recently installed a push/pull pot in my Epiphone Junior and ended up replacing the bell knob with a speed knob. The taper on the hat knob made it hard to keep a grip on the knob when pulling upward to engage the switch. You had to get your fingers beneath the knob to pull it up. With the speed knob I can engage the pull switch reliably because the knob is not tapered.



Yes the NH has speed knobs(see pics on pg 2)and it does make it easier to pull up the tone knob to split the HB's.

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My Nighthawk isn't supposed to be in until May 6th. Ive been ordering everything I need to mod it when it comes in. I want to order new saddles ahead of time. Would one of you that already have your Nighthawk be kind enough to tell me which saddle measurement will fit? I haven't been able to find a spec on it online anywhere.



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My Nighthawk isn't supposed to be in until May 6th. Ive been ordering everything I need to mod it when it comes in. I want to order new saddles ahead of time. Would one of you that already have your Nighthawk be kind enough to tell me which saddle measurement will fit? I haven't been able to find a spec on it online anywhere.



Did some measuring,as best I could using a micrometer. Looks like 4766 is real close to the stock saddles. maybe someone else can confirm it.

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OK so after a few days of non-stop playing(ok I did eat,sleep and take care of other necessities)

I found out some interesting things about the Nighthawk. The amp I'm using is a Vox AC4 set on 1 watt, with no FX in line--clean, with the volume at 12 o'clock and the tone set at about 11. With the volume set kinda low on the NH, it was hard to hear any real difference between the pu settings. The bridge HB definitely is the brightest, tone wise, of all three.

Once I started to turn up the volume on the NH it really started to come alive. Very nice tonal difference when switching pu's and splitting coils. The tone control on the NH goes from bassy 0 to about 3 then opens up nicely to treble between about 5 and 10. The mini HB in the neck has a real nice rhythm(cord) tone and with the tone control you can even get some ok jangle out of it.

The single in the middle, well, it sounds like a single in the middle.(Tele). Splitting the HB's takes away a little of the punch and softens the sound a bit. It's a nice bluesy sound when you run them with the center single coil.

It's pretty hard to put it down once you start playing...very comfy to hold and I find the neck a real pleasure. Bar chords are no trouble and it's real easy to slide them up and down the neck. The fret work is fine...no buzzing or dead spots. Did have to lower the saddles a bit to adjust the string height and did some intonation tweaking. also put EB Hybrids on it. All in all I think it's a really nice piece.

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Just got mine....


Very impressed with perceived quality and set up


Was intending to Duncanise as soon as


But may not bother as it's sounding great


I think anybody who tries one will want one...








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