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Top Posters.....


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So...whenever I log onto the Gibson Forums I see in the top right of the page "Today's Top Posters". Of course I'm never on there. But I was just curious, does it go by the number of topics that you've posted in for that day?


Say if I just go through all the topics and put one of these guys " [thumbup] " in every one, could I become a Top Poster? I think that's the only way I'll ever get there, since I don't have that much real stuff to say. I'll never compare with some of you prolific typers around here. [rolleyes]

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I'm guessing 'it' works things out on a continually rolling 24hr timeframe rather than, say, 12 midnight to 12 midnight the following day.


No-one cares about being in the box, I don't think.


I'm actually a bit embarassed if I see myself there as it usually means I've wasted too much 'free-time' typing as opposed to playing my guitar....


Hmmm...........like NOW, for instance?


That's it. I'm off to pick 'Marmalade' up....





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Top posting is within the last 24 hours, but posts are calculated per hour, so if you posted 25 posts at 3 pm, they stick until 4 pm the next day, then you go from having 25 posts + however many you added to that afterwards to other posts made less than 24 hours ago minus those 25 you posted at 3pm the previous day.

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Sure, you could post [thumbup] a bunch, but not many of us care about the box. It's the content that really matters. But when chanman has free time, well he's always in that box


Hey buddy don't be givin' the Chanman a hard time![biggrin] While when he was not working he did contribute a lot of posts here either through good advice/opinion, answering a posted question, greeting newbies (like me at the time) or providing some comedy relief, most all was pretty good stuff and not just racking up post count. [thumbup]



I will +1 Chanman any day.




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Hey buddy don't be givin' the Chanman a hard time![biggrin] While when he was not working he did contribute a lot of posts here either through good advice/opinion, answering a posted question, greeting newbies (like me at the time) or providing some comedy relief, most all was pretty good stuff and not just racking up post count. [thumbup]




I will +1 Chanman any day.




Hey I wasn't trying to give ol chanman a hard time...he rocks!

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The short answer is yes... and we have had members make post after post, in the same thread, of useless drivel just to make the top spot.


You'll note how many folks now make it crystal clear that it's quality over quantity.



I'm not that thin skinned about my previous King of the Daily Posts spot. I just don't want drama to erupt over it.



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