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this wind blows!


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Here in Maryland. I mean, it's not hurricane or anything, but the oher day we had up to 60mph winds and it's sounds like it again today. Trees and branches down everywhere and trash cans blowing all over the neighborhoods #-o


Someone I know was driving and had a tree blow over onto their van. Lukily everyone was just shaken up, but no injuries.

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We had Tornado Warnings last night from 10:45 to about 11:30. Didn't get to bed until almost midnight. Sirens blaring and my daughter coming up to my room every 5-minutes asking me if I was going to come downstairs. Finally I did, but never went in the basement. Just watched the weatherman and looked outside a few times. At about 11:45, I went back to bed.


Springtime in St. Louis is almost upon us. Looks like this will be a normal thing this year, with the weather patterns we've been having.

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Windy and snowy, traffic ground to a halt, a ten minute drive took me over 1.45 hours! It wasn't me, it was everyone around me, if I had an open snowy road I would have had a ball and been home in 15 minutes instead of ten :P

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Here's some advice from one of our former mayors about a bad storm that was headed our way one time: "pick up a six pack of Genny and stay home." Genny refers to Genesee Cream Ale. Got us all through the storm...

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I'm in MD too, and boy was that wind howling! Last year was the winter of massive snow in MD. This year is the winter of downed trees and limbs for sure. I think the rest of the week is supposed to be good until the weekend, when it will rain again.

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