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'61 Reissue on the way (pics)


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Well, I took the plunge and purchased an SG '61 Reissue. Should have it on Monday. I did quite a bit of research, reading a lot of reviews and such (some 400), and the opinion of this axe seems to be overwhelmingly positive. But I could not find a single one to play in the Puget Sound area, so I'm rolling the dice a bit.


I hope it's worth the cash and the wait! [thumbup] It sure is purdy in pics! [wub]

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Don't worry. I ordered my '61 sight unseen and it turned out to be top notch quality, looks, sound, etc. You'll love it!

What color is it?

Good to hear. I got the Heritage Cherry. It'll be here tomorrow. Of course, the waiting sucks! [thumbdn][biggrin]

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there was none in puget sound area so you did what you needed to do and got one rolling there. you simply did what needed to be done and thus contributed to the betterment of society. that's what it is all about, we all try and do our part.


i think we all win here. +1

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there was none in puget sound area so you did what you needed to do and got one rolling there. you simply did what needed to be done and thus contributed to the betterment of society. that's what it is all about, we all try and do our part.


i think we all win here. +1

Lol. Glad to do my part. But still waiting on UPS. [cursing]

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Lol. Glad to do my part. But still waiting on UPS. [cursing]


waiting for a delivery can be maddening......every tick of the clock an audible reminder that the object of your desire is in someone elses care.......

tick...........tock.............tick............ [laugh]

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waiting for a delivery can be maddening......every tick of the clock an audible reminder that the object of your desire is in someone elses care.......

tick...........tock.............tick............ [laugh]

You got that right. [biggrin] The funny thing is, about one minute after I made that last post, the UPS guy walked up with the SG. It was in the factory box, so I knew it wasn't a GC return or exchange.


This really is a beautiful guitar, with the wood grain showing through the Heritage Cherry finish. I couldn't believe how light it is. I have two Strats, and the SG is noticeably lighter. The guitar plays very well and I love how it feels. The setup was pretty good, with no buzzing, but the action is a bit high for my tastes, and the intonation needs tweaking. The guitar was made in August of last year. I did not notice any of the neck dive I've read about. The guitar just feels great. I love it!


One concern though. The bevels on the front of the guitar, right between the two horns, aren't very smooth. Meaning they have kind of a wavy feel to them, like they weren't perfectly sanded. It's not a big deal, but this is a $2,000 guitar, which is a good chunk of change.


I'm actually weighing whether or not to take it back and exchange it for another, but I'd like to hear the opinions of members here.


Any thoughts?

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...One concern though. The bevels on the front of the guitar, right between the two horns, aren't very smooth. Meaning they have kind of a wavy feel to them, like they weren't perfectly sanded. It's not a big deal, but this is a $2,000 guitar, which is a good chunk of change.


I'm actually weighing whether or not to take it back and exchange it for another, but I'd like to hear the opinions of members here.


Any thoughts?


the last three SGs i've owned have this and it's extremely slight. i'm guessing they are that way because you can't buff that area out on that big buffing wheel they have at the factory... that's my best guess, if anyone else can weigh in please do.

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Thanks SP; I'm really excited about this guitar. It just feels great in my hands, and my LP now has a worthy companion. [biggrin] And thanks for the input. Believe it or not, I was kind of hoping you'd say that because I really don't want to part with this axe. [smile] I'll get the camera out tonight. [thumbup]

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If anyone else can chime in on the issue I raised above, I'd appreciate it. It's hard to photograph and this was about the best I could do:




Truth be told, I'm about ready to bag it and just keep this guitar. It's only been one day and I'm already in love. But If anyone has any opinions on whether to exchange it or not, fire away. [smile]

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that axe has NICE color. i would say you got a good one. and like you said, the mahogony looks real nice on that one.


i could not see the issue you were speaking of in the other pics, not sure even in the last one. but what i do see is the grain is more open there, which would make sanding it perfect more of a challenge, and probrably not possible without considerable extra work. have you studied other examples? you think you being too picky? perhaps your eye is drawn to it because the rest of the guitar is so fine looking?


i say keep it. the way you describe how much you love it, chances are if you did exchange you would not like the other one as well. and you know, you said it was a "2000 guitar", well, thats significant, but you also have to consider that it is still ONLY a 2000 guitar, and that one, the color, the wood, looks like a historic custom guitar.


when you got a keeper, you got a keeper.

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that axe has NICE color. i would say you got a good one. and like you said, the mahogony looks real nice on that one.


i could not see the issue you were speaking of in the other pics, not sure even in the last one. but what i do see is the grain is more open there, which would make sanding it perfect more of a challenge, and probrably not possible without considerable extra work. have you studied other examples? you think you being too picky? perhaps your eye is drawn to it because the rest of the guitar is so fine looking?


i say keep it. the way you describe how much you love it, chances are if you did exchange you would not like the other one as well. and you know, you said it was a "2000 guitar", well, thats significant, but you also have to consider that it is still ONLY a 2000 guitar, and that one, the color, the wood, looks like a historic custom guitar.


when you got a keeper, you got a keeper.

Thanks Stein. I've considered that I'm being too picky. I can be that way sometimes. [biggrin] The price isn't really an issue, per se, it's just that my pickiness tends to go up with cost. But like I said above, I'm definitely leaning towards keeping it and playing the hell out of it.


Thanks for the input.

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Guest BentonC

Very nice guitar!!! A lot of what you're seeing in this guitar is actually present on a lot of other guitars, but the thinner nitro lacquer sinks in more than the poly finish that most other guitar makers use, so the poly will cover it up and shine like glass. I personally like to see the finish like this on guitars, cause you can be guaranteed it is going to age really well.


Of course, a photo is a lot different than in person, so if you are totally uncomfortable with it, you might want to see if they can do the exchange...


In any event, it looks like a real winner, and it sounds like you are really having a good time playing it!!


Congrats! [thumbup]

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Oh baby I'm a redneck! Can't help it I'm a redneck!

Now dats what I'm talkin about!

Those bevels, that grain, that shelving of the neck joint, that pointy horn and small pickguard. That slim taper neck.

All reasons why the '61 is the only SG in production I own.


All I see in that picture of concern you posted is what appears to be bubbles in the finish. Is that what you are talking about?

If you are talking about a wavy edge to the curve of the bevels (which I don't notice in your pic), I have seen that in pics of vintage SG's. So I would guess it comes with the territory.

If you are thinking of exchanging. Think about this before you get into a never ending exchange cycle:

What if the next one is a 2- piece body (I've seen it on the '61ri.)?

Or, orangy finish?

Or, less extreme bevels

Or, the neck doesn't feel as good?

Or, the grain looks bad?

Or, the fingerboard color is too light?

I guess it boils down to:

Does it bother you enough to roll the dice?

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Lordy, Lordy -




Man that's beeeautiful graining. And it sure looks like a one piece body (check the end grain).


That's one of the best pieces of classic looking mahagony I've seen.


Great color and a really nice piece of rosewood for the fingerboard.


You've got the ONE.


Congrats John [thumbup]

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Very nice guitar!!! A lot of what you're seeing in this guitar is actually present on a lot of other guitars, but the thinner nitro lacquer sinks in more than the poly finish that most other guitar makers use, so the poly will cover it up and shine like glass. I personally like to see the finish like this on guitars, cause you can be guaranteed it is going to age really well.


Of course, a photo is a lot different than in person, so if you are totally uncomfortable with it, you might want to see if they can do the exchange...


In any event, it looks like a real winner, and it sounds like you are really having a good time playing it!!


Congrats! [thumbup]


Thanks Benton. [thumbup]

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Lungimsam & BigKahune, thanks. I'll be keeping this one. I slept on it and it would be silly to take it back. The never ending exchange is a good point. It can turn into a vicious cycle with no guarantee of satisfaction.


Thanks for all the replies. There's not much in the world more enjoyable than getting a new guitar. [thumbup]

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