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Nice Beers.....


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Well, Wiley, i live in the worlds biggest beer consumption country of Czech Republic, and we are spoiled with outstanding brews. But have to say the flagship Pilsner Urquell is my favourite, has this wonderful rich, almost honey glazed pilsner taste to it, topped off with a thick, inviting foam.


But also from my home town of Adelaide, Australia I love Coopers Pale Ale, one of the last family owned, but mainstream breweries left in Australia. A hihgly refreshing, fruity yet rich taste. Great for the Aussie summer !

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One of our local breweries (Carolina Brewery) has an Imperial Stout that is absolutely fabulous. Their Flagship IPA and Copperline Amber Ale aren't too shabby, either.


Smithwicks (pronounced Smithiks) is a very good Irish ale. Boddington's and Abbot Ale are among my favorite English brews. I tend to prefer the Irish/Scottish/British stuff to the Continental brews, although some of those are excellent, too.


America was a beer wasteland for a very long time. Now, with all the local boutique breweries, there are all kinds of tasty treats on tap just about anywhere in the country that you go.

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Love Smithwicks! Just finished a 6 pack of Big Sky's Moose Drool - very tasty. Big fan of the local breweries - Boulevard is making a great variety of beers - Pale Ale, Double Wide IPA, Bully! Porter and my recent fav, the 6th Glass. It's a dark Belgian Strong Ale with a 10.5% alcohol content. Another local brewery is the Free State Brewery. They make an excellent Copperhead Ale and an Ad Astra Ale. Just like Guitar building is in a golden age, brewing beer is also in a golden age.

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I've been on a Belgian kick for the last few weeks. It is an expensive hobby for sure, but here is what I have been drinking:

All of these are retail prices, most bars don't carry a lot of Belgians due to high cost and low profit margin.


Orval Trappist Ale- $5 per 12oz bottle

Duvel Belgian Strong Pale Ale $4 per 12oz bottle

Flying Dog Raging ***** $14 per six pack

Ommegang BPA $10 per 750ml bottle or $5 per pint at the bar

Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale $12 per four pack

Sierra Nevada Ovila $11 per 750ml bottle


Of course when I'm not drinking Belgians I'm usually drinking a hoppy IPA. Bells Two Hearted Ale, Surly Furious, Lagunitas IPA, and Sierra Nevada Torpedo are some of my favorites.

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