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Searching the Forum


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Since the crash, I can use the search function in the top right.

This hasn't worked since I became a member - used it ok before I signed up.

Won't ask as many stupid questions that have already been answered now.


I usually have my iPad next to my work computer to read the forum, guitar shops, ebay, my stocks (kidding) while I'm doing other heavy work processing, but I cannot add a reply or post a new topic on iPad now - have to sign on to the forum on the p.c. (A hateful task on weekends).




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Ever since the forum format changed (the look, etc), that search has been hit or miss.


Yes, it's working as well as this version has.


But with the change, the search function lost the fine tuning options the old format had. It's annoying that you can't fine tune to better filter the results.

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