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String choices


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My fav, and I like '60's music best:

Setup on my Pbasses:

LaBella Deep Talkin Bass Flatwounds

49-109 guage set


Measured from top of 17th fret wire to bottom of strings:

E- 7/64

A- 7/64

D- 6/64

G- 6/64

Pup height:

Measured by fretting string at last (highest) fret and measuring from top of pickup at center of polepice to bottom of string.

E- 6/64


D-6/64 treble side


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I like DR Hi-Beams .040 - .100 on my Les Pauls & P Bass, .045 - .105 on the SG. I set the relief on all my necks at .015" @ the 8th fret, and take the strings as low as possible without buzzing (I'm not a slap & popper). I like a more modern sound with nice deep low-end and crisp, but not piercing highs. I'm not a fan of muddy lows or honky sounding mid-range.


The DR Hi-Beams last quite a while, put out great harmonics, and bend pretty easily. I've tried a lot of different strings, but keep going back to DR.

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I've got a bunch of basses and tried lots of strings throughout the years, but the ones that always delivered is Ken Smith strings.

I highly recommend them. I used a few different variants and for different styles classic rock, grunge, jazz, funk.


I've had a set on a Thunderbird I had some 10 years ago (got stolen later) and it sounded great.

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I'm gonna rip the frets off of my Squire Vintage Modified P bass and turn it into a fretless. I used to play fretless all the time in the 80's, but I don't remember what strings I used (other than flats). Anyone have any suggestions? [confused]

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My sales guy at the local Sam Ash found La Bella #760NS, short scale nylons for Gibson SG Std Basses. (.60, .70, .94, .115) Tomorrow or maybe wed., I may have go order a set. The rep. he goes through at La Bella, has an SG Std. with the nylons on board. They slip right on, no resetting saddles, or opening the nut.

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It's .115, but thats' the string with the nylon over top of the stainless encased. I'm almost looking forward to see how they do. I like the rep. using them on an SG Std. .115 Is a just a bit over the .110 E string on the Fender American Standard factory set up. (.45, .65, .85, .110) The biggest jump is the G string. I will definitely let you know what the out come is on these La Bella bad boys.

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Yes. On the La Bella site, (.60, .70, .94, .115) The A string is listed as .94, not .97. This has me really up. A for real string company that actually lists the SG Std. for the 760N Nylon Tapewound. Like I may have mentioned, D'Addario only does long scale Nylon Tapewound. I really do like the long scale sound of the D'Addario Nylon Tapewound. Nylons aren't the old sticky tapes they were 40 + years ago. They're fast and clean. A bottom sound that is great.

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