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Pearl or Abilone....how do you tell the diff??


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You guys crack me up.....


You'll happily discuss the finer points of S.J. versus SJ but when it comes to spelling the very stuff of which your guitars are made you go all ab'apical like a bunch of abecedarian aberdonians. The abundant yet abysmal aberrance from the correct spelling by you and your abrasive abettors is abominable and absurd, and I abhor it. Unless there is some abstruse spelling abstinence society here (absit omen.....) absolving all from spelling - and if there is, I abscind, indeed abscise myself abruptly and absolutely from them, abrogate them, even.....


So - I absterse myself, absterge this topic, and abdicate before it gets abusive.


The correct spelling is Ablution.

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My Gibson Firebird' date=' has BOTH in the fret markers......but I'm not sure which is which....lol.....here's a pic:





OWF, can we see some more. I love the fretboard and headstock and would love to see her in her full glory.

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