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Any tips for the SAT's?


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I'm taking it this saturday. I get an extra two hours, which is good i guess? The school is making me use a PC to type my eassy, so thats why i get 2 extra hours. 6 hours in one room...woo. [unsure]

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Don't worry about the SATs.


Dude, college is a big mistake for a creative nonconformist like you. I'm being serious here.


You have musical talent. Use that to get ahead in life instead of worrying about academia. Don't make the same mistake I did. Pursue your future, and do it on your own terms.


Mainstream institutionalized education is a ******* joke and all it will do for you is make you hate humanity, if you don't already.


Also, I got a 2020 (out of 2400) on the first try, and came in basically unprepared. Big whoop.

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Congrats. What an exciting time, but since its almost Friday, I hope this isn't the first time your thinking about cracking a book [scared] Practice tests are easy to find online, and I suggest taking the time to go through a complete simulation in its entirety. Good luck, and I hope you make it in to a good school.

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Don't worry about the SATs.


Dude, college is a big mistake for a creative nonconformist like you. I'm being serious here.


You have musical talent. Use that to get ahead in life instead of worrying about academia. Don't make the same mistake I did. Pursue your future, and do it on your own terms.


Mainstream institutionalized education is a ******* joke and all it will do for you is make you hate humanity, if you don't already.


Also, I got a 2020 (out of 2400) on the first try, and came in basically unprepared. Big whoop.

Make your own choice about your education. Its your future. A degree may not guarantee success anymore, but there are fields that you will never get into without at least a BA. Its an important decision, so take the time to think about it. If nothing else, you will have unforgettable experiences and form life long relationships (I met my wife in college). Yes, you can probably do pretty well on the SATs without being totally prepared, but walking into a situation unprepared is not a great habit to get in to. What ever you decide, I wish you the best of luck.

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Practice a LOT! There are different books and stuff online that can prepare you. And don't forget that you can take it a second time to try to get a better score. I've had 5 siblings take the SAT, 4 of which went on to collage... 2 of them it didn't get anywhere so far, one just finished up her masters so we'll see how it plays out for her and the other one is doing what he really wants to do because of the collage he went to. So I'd weigh it out... but most areas in the arts you're better off saving your time and money than going to collage. You gotta do what you think is best though. [thumbup]


Sorry, that was long. <_<

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IMHO.........Don't sweat it...Be rested, flow through it....It is my understanding that the essay section " likes " length over quality; ie, short essays are scored lower by


a computer program...This is only my understanding.....On the plus side, using the computer for your essay allows you to use 'spell check'......#-o:-k .......


And skip any questions about EMGs.......................[-Xeusa_whistle.gif .........

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Don't worry about the SATs.


Dude, college is a big mistake for a creative nonconformist like you. I'm being serious here.


You have musical talent. Use that to get ahead in life instead of worrying about academia. Don't make the same mistake I did. Pursue your future, and do it on your own terms.


Mainstream institutionalized education is a ******* joke and all it will do for you is make you hate humanity, if you don't already.



Not sure if I agree with this.


When school finishes, a starting gun goes off and the race is on. A degree in a valued field (for example, engineering) will set one up for life and guarantee a decent income.


Not to mention all the female students :)


That said, there are other ways to get into college, there is here anyway.


The days of using music to get ahead in life are over.

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Go to Start - Run...type CMD...then type format C:




Or, is it; Go to start - RUN...type DMC...then type format C: = RUN DMC...........:blink: :-k ...( That's a rap )....

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Don't worry about the SATs.


Dude, college is a big mistake for a creative nonconformist like you. I'm being serious here.


You have musical talent. Use that to get ahead in life instead of worrying about academia. Don't make the same mistake I did. Pursue your future, and do it on your own terms.



I Disagree 100%


"Free advice is worth at least what you pay for it" is an old saying for a very good reason. College isn't for everyone thats true but it's getting harder and harder to find a job that pay's even a decent wage anymore without education. College isn't only a way to open doors in the future but it can also be a blast.


Planning on making a living in music or art is a great thing to think about and even pursue, but it's not much of a living unless your both very talented and even luckier, the vast majority better have a back up plan and being a starving artist isn't the dream most of us have in our youth.


I retired this year but until then I used to work for a very large organization and i watched literally thousands of application from probably smart people go in to he trash on the first sort because the education box was empty after high school. In the last six years before I retired this year we hired no one (zero) people into the technology departments that did not have degree's in today world without a bachelors degree they just could not compete there were to many candidates that had a degree and experience doesn't mean much in the majority of jobs in America unless the degree is in the job application also.

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I'm disagreeing with XDemon here, you can still practice your art in college, hey even go to college for it! I'm of the opinion that higher education always puts you a step further on (at a f'cking price though).


Sleep well, eat a great breakfast (I find a good breakfast is often overlooked!), breathe, and remember 100 on the SAT is not a good thing [flapper]


Also, Retro hits the nail on the hammer about job hunting without a degree, it's damned hard. I've seen many adults close to me struggle to find work for that one reason, every one is of "above average" intelligence, and are hard workers, but without a degree... It just makes it harder.

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SAT Strategy


College graduates, on average, make a million dollars more in their lifetime than non-graduates. What I learned in college may not have prepared me for professional life, but what I learned is invaluable to me. Plus, it was fun! If you can afford it, go! It will also give you an audience for your music, and it's a great place to learn music. No one was ever made worse with education.


Do you still get 200 points for signing your name?

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Extra time? Why? Are you ADD? Doesn't everyone get to use a PC to type up their essay?


The 'Science' portion, I'm told, is not about your science prowess. It's about reading comprehension. Even, if your scientific background disagrees with the text, answer the questions based on the text, even if you think the text is wrong. Or so I've been told... by an SAT preparation class teacher.


I would suggest getting a good night's sleep tonight and tomorrow night.


Eat a good breakfast, but nothing heavy.


Arrive 15 minutes early so you can so you can pick your desired seat.


Don't worry about it.

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I know this sounds odd, but just have fun.


Shred, it's the east coast version of ACT.




milod, i don't know what that is either! I'm Canadian!! :) We don't have anything like it....our Universities go on your average grades and extra-curricular activities and such, not a single test.


I actually do know what SAT's are....i was just being cheeky.

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