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i'm worried about my right ear...

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started yesterday morning, when i hear a low freq sound i get a beeping in my right ear (like morse code), when it's quiet i hear nothing but as soon as a noise or a voice on the tv starts then the beeping starts...trip to the docs i think :(

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Maybe a thimble full of vodka. In the ear. A bigger glass for you.

Just kidding. Don't pour anything in your ear.


Oh no, I am going to start hearing this as the next Canadian remedy for an ear ache :P


I would take a trip to the doc to find out, better safe then sorry especially when it comes to eye sight and hearing that damage is always permanent and irreversible.

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Yeah, good to get it checked out. Might be nothing more, than "wax" buildup, or sinus drainage? But, it would be good to find out, for sure.




yea i hope it's as simple as that, can't be tinitus as i hear nothing when all is silent? only when outside noise is present do i get the beeping sound [unsure]

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when it comes to eye sight and hearing that damage is always permanent and irreversible.


as a fellow guitar player and music lover i'm sure you can imagine how worried i am about this :mellow:

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Tough stuff, definitely have it checked out.


The ringing in my right ear has not gone away, it is 2 months now.


My hearing loss settled at 8,000Khz according to the hearing tests. I can't hear anything above that.


A side effect I am having is that noises and sounds that are close in frequency to the ringing in my ear make me cringe,

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Steve, it's just an alien implant. They sneak into your home while your sleeping and insert it into you skull near one of your ears. The beeping sounds are them sending you messages that only your subconscious can understand. One symptom is a deep fascination with Gary Moore.



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Steve, it's just an alien implant. They sneak into your home while your sleeping and insert it into you skull near one of your ears. The beeping sounds are them sending you messages that only your subconscious can understand. One symptom is a deep fascination with Gary Moore.




i hope ur right bill [unsure]

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no bleeping for the last 6 hrs but can hear a low sound when i cover my ear ](*,)


That's dem00n playin' bass instead of studying for the S.A.T.s................He'll stop soon.......

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I would try to schedule a doctors appointment, and in the mean time get some allergy pills. I've had ear troubles all my life, and two year ago I decided to ignore the feeling of pressure building in my right ear. Shortly after my ear drum gave way, and I've lost about 30% of my hearing in that ear. Now when ever I get the slightest discomfort in either of my ears I'm taking three different types of allergy pills. In fact I'm doing that right now. <_<

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I would try to schedule a doctors appointment, and in the mean time get some allergy pills. I've had ear troubles all my life, and two year ago I decided to ignore the feeling of pressure building in my right ear. Shortly after my ear drum gave way, and I've lost about 30% of my hearing in that ear. Now when ever I get the slightest discomfort in either of my ears I'm taking three different types of allergy pills. In fact I'm doing that right now. <_<


i suffer from hayfever, in the summer i take "piriteze" tabs to help it...i haven't taken any this yr yet as it's only may and it usualy starts around july-sept...don't wanna take drugs if i can help it [unsure]

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You might want to try to take one of those piriteze to see if it helps. If it doesn't help then don't take anymore. I take the allergy pills cause the only other option for me is to stay inside, and that just doesn't work for me. Is it just a noise? Or are you getting pain or pressure sensations in your ear? Are you randomly getting a bad taste in you throat, or feel like there's something stuck in your throat? You could have swimmers ear/ear infection/sinus drainage/ sinus infection, or some other ear problems. Again I would try to get in with your doctor, you don't want to let an ear problem just run it's course, it usually turns out badly.

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You might want to try to take one of those piriteze to see if it helps. If it doesn't help then don't take anymore. I take the allergy pills cause the only other option for me is to stay inside, and that just doesn't work for me. Is it just a noise? Or are you getting pain or pressure sensations in your ear? Are you randomly getting a bad taste in you throat, or feel like there's something stuck in your throat? You could have swimmers ear/ear infection/sinus drainage/ sinus infection, or some other ear problems. Again I would try to get in with your doctor, you don't want to let an ear problem just run it's course, it usually turns out badly.


no pain at all, i spoke to my mother about it today and she said she had the same problem last year and it turned out to be ear wax stuck deep down...doc told her to use olive oil in the ear and it cleared up, so i'm gonna give that a try before i take a day off work and go docs, so far today iv'e had no beeping so fingers crossed...but i'll still try the oil tomorrow B)

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