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Favorite Zombie movie...


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Zombieland was a great Zombie-Comedy movie, it holds my top spot. And not to be a ****** but Underworld was a horrible Vampire movie sure a leather clad Kate Beckenwhatever is nice but thats the only reason to watch it, hands down best Vampire movie to judge all by is Interview with a Vampire.

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Zombieland was a great Zombie-Comedy movie, it holds my top spot. And not to be a ****** but Underworld was a horrible Vampire movie sure a leather clad Kate Beckenwhatever is nice but thats the only reason to watch it, hands down best Vampire movie to judge all by is Interview with a Vampire.

I'd have to disagree there, Bram Stoker's Dracula. Also this is Zombie appreciation month!

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I'd have to disagree there, Bram Stoker's Dracula. Also this is Zombie appreciation month!


Ah yes the Coppola version, you know I always forget about that one and I really dont know why. If its zombie appreciation month then its mandatory that you all go out and get Max Brook's book The Zombie Survival Guide AND World War Z both very good zombie reads.

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I'd have to disagree there, Bram Stoker's Dracula. Also this is Zombie appreciation month!


Yeah, especially Winona Ryder, in the nightgown, scene. Lovely!





I too, am more into "Vampires"...especially, the female versions. ;>)


Kate Beckinsale "Underworld"



Monica Bellucci (Bram Stoker's Dracula)



Ashley Greene ("Alice" Twilight Series)



Dakota Fanning ("Jane" Twilight Series)



Kristen Stewart ("Bella" after she's "changed," Twilight Series)



Yeah, Yeah, say what you must/want, but..they're Cute!


Edit: Oh...don't want to forget Salma, either!





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Favorite zombie film has to be Shaun of the dead


Favorite vampire film is fright night


Now, notice he never said best, he said favorite. If he had said best for Vampires id have to say Nosferatu and the original Dawn of the dead for zombies.


Someone earlier said their favorite vampire movie was interview? Nobody who has read the books would ever want Tom Cruise to play Lestat, i love some of his other films like few good men, far and away and risky business but this was by far the worst casting mistake ever done in a horror film.

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