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What's your favorite guitar tone?

Silenced Fred

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The Audio isnt top notch on it, but the Video is MINT for being something a random person tossed together. In all honesty I do not think I could ever get sick of this album. I was a little upset when I saw Roger in 2007 and he played 'Sheep' instead of 'Pigs' but hey you cant win them all. I dunno if its possibly because I dont mind a doobie now and then but Pink Floyd is some of the best music to grace my ears. An aforementioned doobie, a comfy seat and a really good set of headphones combined with Pink Floyd - Echoes is an epic journey of eargasmic sounds.

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This is hard.

Through a good pear of speakers, Death's Human tone is bone crushing. One of the fav tones also is from the record The Law from Exhoder but if you put it to loud it can really give you a headache.

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I've always liked Dean DeLeo's tone, I kind of wanted a rig like his but it's hard to find some of that stuff (JMI AC30, Demeter TG3 preamp into a VHT Stero Power Amp, dual 1960a slantback marshall cabs etc.). He sounds amazing live.

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