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Marshall Amp Recommendations


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I just recently acquired a brand new Gibson Les Paul Studio electric guitar. I love to play Led Zeppelin tunes on it. I own a Vox VT50 amp, but am considering selling it and getting a low wattage Marshall. What I want is that classic Marshall tube amp tone where I could also channel that Jimmy Page tone as well. I live in an apartment, so the amp would need to be kept at "bedroom volume" without compromising that great Marshall tube tone. Could anyone suggest a good, solid, low wattage Marshall amp that might fit the bill? I'd like to keep my spending limit to about $500.00 or less. Thanks!

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Class 5



Ditto. Won't break the bank and sounds great straight up or with pedals. The trick to getting a good sound out of them is to keep the bass way down so it doesn't make the poor little 10" speaker flop around too much. The custom colour ones are only a few bucks more if you are into "the look."

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Thanks for the recommendation on the Marshall Class 5. I believe this is the same exact amp a friend of mine recently got, although his is red. These do sound great, but I'm a little concerned that they may not be suitable for "bedroom volume" in an apartment. I'll check them out, though.

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Thanks for the recommendation on the Marshall Class 5. I believe this is the same exact amp a friend of mine recently got, although his is red. These do sound great, but I'm a little concerned that they may not be suitable for "bedroom volume" in an apartment. I'll check them out, though.




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Thanks for the recommendation on the Marshall Class 5. I believe this is the same exact amp a friend of mine recently got, although his is red. These do sound great, but I'm a little concerned that they may not be suitable for "bedroom volume" in an apartment. I'll check them out, though.


If it says Marshall on it the only one that will be good for "bedroom" levels is the 1W mini amp that runs off a 9V battery :P And I dont mean that in a bad way, I just got the Haze half stack and its very loud at 15W but I can still live with it. I dont know much about the class 5 but I can tell you that the 7W channel on the Tiny Terror I tested was definitely good at "bedroom" levels.

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I wouldn't call the Class 5 pedal friendly at all...I just sold mine recently, and while its a great amp, its kind of a one trick pony...A one trick that it does VERY well mind you...With only 5 watts, and limited headroom, most pedals will sound like crap..The one pedal I used with it was either a booster or my treble booster..It's a great amp, but if your looking for versatility and a pedal friendly amp, this one isn't it. If you play mostly overdriven tones though, this amp will excel.

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I wouldn't call the Class 5 pedal friendly at all...I just sold mine recently, and while its a great amp, its kind of a one trick pony...A one trick that it does VERY well mind you...With only 5 watts, and limited headroom, most pedals will sound like crap..The one pedal I used with it was either a booster or my treble booster..It's a great amp, but if your looking for versatility and a pedal friendly amp, this one isn't it. If you play mostly overdriven tones though, this amp will excel.

I disagree that it is a one trick pony, my Tele sounds great clean through my Class 5. Granted, it's not as versatile as some amps, but It's not supposed to be. It's a simple, one channel, no frills, old school all-tube amp.

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Thanks for the replies. It seems like the Marshall Class 5 is the unanimous winner here. I checked it out on the Marshall website and YouTube, and it sounds great! Unfortunately, my local Guitar Center doesn't have them in stock (along with everything else I want...LOL).

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I should clarify that it should be a combo amp. I live in an apartment, so the amp needs to be somewhat compact and also playable at "bedroom volume". Also, I don't gig, so the amp would be used mainly for home jamming.


The Class5 would be WAY too loud for an apartment, without a master volume...Hell it was too loud for my house...I had the police called on me twice for it..Get a combo anywhere from 5-40 watts, just make sure it has a master volume, so you can use it in your apartment.

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