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Battle of the Bands tonight

Silenced Fred

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leaving in 3 hours.


First a little rant: So the "guitar teacher" at my old high school who doesn't really play guitar, got some kids to start a band. They say they are an original band, but they only play covers of overplayed 70s and 80s songs. They are like the favorite because he is the head of the music department. So I find out this morning from my friend that they have us opening because "they want bands with no experience to play first". ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME? Only one of the other bands has played a show, and we have played ours and have a few others coming up soon. I'm pissed, but whatever, I plan on stealing the show, we got a new bassist, and he clicks well with the drummer and our sound is TIGHT!


Anyways, I hope we do well, but we are gonna rock. I'm pretty excited.


For those that care our set list is:


Creep- Radiohead

You- Original song

Trial and Error- Original song

One Wing- Wilco

I Got Mine- Black Keys (this one is balls to the wall insane with fuzzes)


If we do well, we can get recording time and some mics or something

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Good luck with it and try not to worry about the dumb bullshite. I've always hated the whole Battle Of The Bands idea, but if it gets you some studio time or a Starbucks giftcard or something then it's a good thing.



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Good luck with it and try not to worry about the dumb bullshite. I've always hated the whole Battle Of The Bands idea, but if it gets you some studio time or a Starbucks giftcard or something then it's a good thing.




Mainly, I'm doing it so people will see our band, and its publicity really. We had to pay a 25 dollar entrance fee (for signs and advertising fees, I wanted to find out what advertising they were doing, but I was discouraged) so we get a 25 dollar giftcard regardless, but if we can win something, that's awesome. We have a bunch of shows coming up so hopefully some people will like what they hear and come see our actual show.


Battle of the Bands is stupid. Music isn't a competition

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I hope you can snag a few gigs after everything is said and done. If you win, I would really like to hear those originals you listed. Don't pay attention to the guy's with egos the size of planets, they'll most likely stink up the joint. Good luck! ;)

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Guest FarnsBarns

Shake off any negativity about the process and do your best, I'm sure it'll be a valuable experience whether you win or not.


Good Luck!


The fact that you currently look about 12 might help you out a bit! ;)

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Sorry, but way to pick the lamest radiohead song there is [flapper]


Just kidding even if that's like my least favorite song by them it's still good. Good luck man.


The other guitarist loves it, and he wanted to do it bad. I said alright, and chicks will dig it


I'm not going to jail man, I'll send you an email about the whole situation but its weird...

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Mainly, I'm doing it so people will see our band, and its publicity really. We had to pay a 25 dollar entrance fee (for signs and advertising fees, I wanted to find out what advertising they were doing, but I was discouraged) so we get a 25 dollar giftcard regardless, but if we can win something, that's awesome. We have a bunch of shows coming up so hopefully some people will like what they hear and come see our actual show.


Battle of the Bands is stupid. Music isn't a competition


WHAT!!! Music is a competition if you want to do it professionally and make money off it, playing my guitar just for fun has done nothing but cost me money. This feeling is what separates the people who just want to jam from the people that want to be rock stars, when you have that competitive drive you go out with the thirst of being satisfied by nothing but first place. We all play with passion and soul, but its only the ones that have that drive, that utter need to succeed that will make it. With that said I hope you go out and melt the faces off everyone in the crowd, play like your going to die tomorrow and then at the end of it all just take your guitar off drop it on the stage and walk off like you dont care! Ok maybe skip dropping the guitar part, and substitute it with some cold brewskies.

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WHAT!!! Music is a competition if you want to do it professionally and make money off it, playing my guitar just for fun has done nothing but cost me money. This feeling is what separates the people who just want to jam from the people that want to be rock stars, when you have that competitive drive you go out with the thirst of being satisfied by nothing but first place. We all play with passion and soul, but its only the ones that have that drive, that utter need to succeed that will make it. With that said I hope you go out and melt the faces off everyone in the crowd, play like your going to die tomorrow and then at the end of it all just take your guitar off drop it on the stage and walk off like you dont care! Ok maybe skip dropping the guitar part, and substitute it with some cold brewskies.





Hmmmm here in Canada that law is 14 and under, kinda wrong if you ask me though, gotta go for the 18-19 year olds they are fully developed and well here they are pretty stupid and/or naive


Well, I understand that, but just because the judges all listen to post hardcore, it doesn't mean that my music sucks or that we didn't play well, the post hardcore band will win everytime unless they are godawful. That's all I mean by the competition thing.


In Illinois its 17, 14 is freaky young...

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...This feeling is what separates the people who just want to jam from the people that want to be rock stars, when you have that competitive drive you go out with the thirst of being satisfied by nothing but first place. We all play with passion and soul, but its only the ones that have that drive, that utter need to succeed that will make it.


And a trust fund. Always good to have if you want to make it.



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I said it too, apparently it can be consensual at that age? I was pretty dumb at 14 and made a lot of bad choices I think it was even reduced from 16, seems a little Pedobear approved to me but yeah I dont make the rules here, cause if I did the government would be giving free kids guitars to every child born. Yeah I know exactly where the tax payers money needs to be spent!


I release this thread from my derailing duties!


G'luck Fred, go knock em dead!


Edit: Dub its not political at all, it is wrong. As a Canadian citizen I will say our politicians were smoking something pretty heavy when they approved that one.

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It went alright. I doubt we will place well, the judges are metal heads. Oh well the Audience dug it


That's what matters


Ewwww as a metalhead I can say for the most part our kind cant judge anything but a wet t-shirt contest. Should never have biased judges, but atleast you pleased the crowd that is the main point, as they will spread the word more then the judges will.

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Guest FarnsBarns

It went alright. I doubt we will place well, the judges are metal heads. Oh well the Audience dug it


That's what matters


Just keep a positive head on you and keep it up. The point is, you had a useful experience and you will have more as long as you don't allow the perceived unfairness to get to you.


Well Done!

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Hope you did well Fred, either way it's some good practice. Biased judging is a b!tch, but hey all you can do is play it.


You hit the nail on the head, the audience dug it, that's the important part.

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