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New LG type guitars being Built


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Does anyone know if any of the new guitar builders make guitars with the same body/style as the LG-00, LG-1 or LG-2? I see a lot of builders making OM,OO,OOO guitars, but the closest thing I've seen to an LG is the Collings C10 which I think is modeled after the LG-00. Thoughts, comments or suggestions? Thanks.

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Gibson themselves will build you an LG guitar. They have produced a number of them over the last number of years. I had the opportunity to play a very nice, fairly recent "LG-1" just over a month ago at Folkways Music in Ontario. It was a 2006 model, so only a few years old, at most, with a solid top, and a lovely sunburst finish, and was very comfortable to play and sound nice to boot!



Gibson's Bozeman plant initially made some LG re-issues for the Japanese market, and offered some overruns to various US dealers. From time to time, I understand that they have made small batches of these.


So, if you want an LG clone, you have the option of getting one directly from Gibson.

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