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Gibson Advanced Jumbo


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I recently purchased a Gibson Advanced Jumbo. I like it a lot. Unfortunately, I have not been able todecipher the serial number. I read a lotabout "specials" and "customs" from the various Gibson shops, but until now Ihave been more or less in the Martin camp. This AJ is the closest to pleasing my D-35 ear as any I have played. Could someone(s) on the Forum help with the dating and information?






Drop-in saddle


Scalloped braces


Sunburst (see attached)


Serial Number 92976007


post-905-034259100 1307717854_thumb.jpg

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It was made in October 24, 1996 and was the 7th serial# issue on that day.


If you email the serial# and description of the guitar to service@gibson.com they might be able to provide some more info.


Glad to see another Martin owner pleased with a Gibson. B)

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