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MRI - have you had one?


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Had an MRI for the first time last night.

Not a comfortable thing.

I never thought I was claustrophobic but apparently I was a little bit wrong.

Didn't go into a panic or anything but was very happy to get out of that tube.

They tell you not to move and breath shallow. They had to redo one image because I was breathing too heavily. Hard not to.

I'm 6'1" and weigh about 220. I have no idea how larger folks do it. I felt like I was in a coffin.

Anyone else share the feeling?


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I had an MRI about 2 months ago...it was on my head so my whole body didn't go in. I felt ok...I thought I would be more claustraphobic but i was fine. Just focused on my breathing and listened to music in my head.


I think if I went all the way in though I woulda been freaked out.

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I had one done in a tube-like MRI machine many years ago. I am a bit claustrophobic but I was fine, it was a dual so they took scans of my lower and upper back...that takes twice as long. I fell sleep and luckily did not move much. the funniest thing is when I yawned in there and could not stretch out, I wanted to do that so bad.


The MRI I had last time was on one of the new "open" machines, very nice and comfortable.


Probably that is one of the few times in my life when I am awake and I stay still.

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Kind of off topic...but have any of you become claustrophobic with age? When I was younger I never had a problem with claustrophobia, but now as I progress into my 20's...I've become alot more freaked out in small places...I find myself panicking, when in an elevator, packed into a small car, or even when thinking of being in a coffin, or as some of you stated, that MRI machine...

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Shallow breathing? Do they say anything about snoring?


My wife had one done. I made the decision to go into the room with her. Had to strip off all metallic objects, put them into a locker that didn't. After 20 minutes, I nearly fell asleep, so did my wife. (they gave us ear plugs) All tolled it took about 45 minutes.

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Dave when I was in the testing phase prior to my liver transplant I had several. Didn't really bother me but I was glad to get out of it. I learned to bring my iPod so they could put my own music on for me to listen to.


I'm about your size as well and it was tight! They had one at MUSC in Charleston, SC that was huge, two people could get in that one.

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I learned from mine that when the nurse calls to make your appointment and asks you, "Do you want to be sedated?" THE ANSWER IS YES!!!






Even if you don't think you're claustrophobic, etc.



They said I'd be wearing a helmet (it was a brain MRI). No. They lie. They locked a wire cage over my face like Hannibal Lecter.

Which was halfway OK until the thought occurred to me "I can't get out...." and then my life was flashing before my eyes the remaining 20 min. I'll never do that without sedation again.









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I'm an MRI Radiologist. I've had at least 40 on myself while developing protocols. Amazing technology. Consider this. Before MRI and CT of the brain, the only way to look was to inject air in the spinal canal and turn the patient upside down or do a next to worthless nuclear scan. I'd have an MRI per day instead of that experience I tell ya.

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I've had two recently. One with contrast and the first without both on for my entire back.


I can understand why some would have problems with them - it is a small tube.


They gave me headphones and asked what my favorite radio station was. I just closed my eyes and listened to the music.

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I have had a few, the first one was OK; just a long time. The second one was also long and I started feeling closed in. The third time I asked for something to relax me and I ended up sleeping through the entire thing dreaming about a huge Pringles can coming after me. I swear thats what it sounds like, a Pringles lid being pushed and released....


Best Description ever!


I have had a couple from mountain biking injuries and it was no biggie for me. That other procedure with the air in the spinal cord and nuclear scan sound painful and slightly radioactive, I will take the big magnet any day.

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Kind of off topic...but have any of you become claustrophobic with age? When I was younger I never had a problem with claustrophobia, but now as I progress into my 20's...I becoming alot more freaked out in small places...I find myself panicking, even when thinking of being in a coffin, or as some of you stated, that MRI machine...


I am selectively claustrophobic, and yes it started in my 20's.


I don't really freak out at all but I also am not going "caving" anytime soon.


I get "cabin fever" quick, I have the ability to work from home but I do it only occasionally because I need to get out and see people.

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Have had a few. Was afraid the dam* thing would catch fire and I'd be trapped.




Was never worried about that, but I did have some concerns about one of my tattoo's that is mostly black and had tested as having some metal oxide content, so they were repeatedly checking it and asking me if I felt any burning. They had also wrapped some kind of a dense blanket thing around it that supposedly will help reduce the magnetic waves at that location. I never had any issue and Ive never had any issue from any of my tattoos but that part was a little nerve wracking.

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i've had no less than 10 MRIs, usually have to be woken up when we're done so I guess they don't bother me.

i'd take 10 MRIs to 1 Myelogram(sp?) any day, for the Myelo they remove (tap) spinal fluid and replace it w/dye.....the slightest inbalance of the amount drawn/replaced can and will cause a migraine from he!!.

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