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Just bought an Gibson sg 61 reissue


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That price is great - pretty low for 61RI.


And yeah, the hardware looks aged - must've been gigged a lot. A player.


Congrats. B)


Here's one of the pics from fleaBay -






Clean the hardware and wash away the dust and dirt, then it should look alot better than it does now.

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Great price for a real cool guitar. I wouldn't worry about the funky looking hardware. The previous owner is probably like my son, never wipes down his instruments and has persperation and skin oils that have a ph level that puts a funky film on metal, etc. A good clean-up and some TLC and she'll be shiny again. I always kid the sales guys at the local guitar shop, "If you want your guitars relic'ed cheap, just give 'em to my son for a few weeks".

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I think you got a good deal if you intend to play it more than look at it. You could always polish it up a bit and make it look better but if it plays like **** you can't easily fix that. So if it plays good, you are a winner my friend. I have a 2005 '61 reissue that is absolutely wonderful to play and as a bonus it looks nice too. But I like it more because it plays soooo goood!! You will too I bet.

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