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Mayer Shabetay

Big Bill

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This is amazing!!!! I haven´t been in the forum for a long time, and it´s so great to hear your beautiful comments........ specially now.




Last week my father had a stroke and I´ve spent everyday at the hospital by him. Thank Gd he is much better and I keep praying he will recover completely. So as you can imagine, after a very difficult week, and after so long being away from the forum, I come back to find a H U G E support from you guys just by thinking of me.



I have no words to express my gratitude to all of you.



Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.

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Thank you Bill for your wishes. It will take some time for him to get better but we will stand by him through all the process. He is still in Intensive Care. Also, thanks again for your encouraging words and I am soooo happy you still enjoy the video. Believe me, it´s a miracle and such a surprise that yesterday, after so long, I logged in the forum and suddenly I see my name [biggrin] . Can´t thank you eneough!!




Here is the link to one of the Blues tune. Is the first one I recorded. Hope you like and please share with me your comments and any ideas.





Thanks again Bill!!!!




Mayer, I'm so sorry to hear about your Father. With time, I'm sure he'll be fine, [thumbup]



I would love to hear some of your blues! eusa_pray.gif

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Thank you Bill for your wishes. It will take some time for him to get better but we will stand by him through all the process. He is still in Intensive Care. Also, thanks again for your encouraging words and I am soooo happy you still enjoy the video. Believe me, it´s a miracle and such a surprise that yesterday, after so long, I logged in the forum and suddenly I see my name [biggrin] . Can´t thank you eneough!!




Here is the link to one of the Blues tune. Is the first one I recorded. Hope you like and please share with me your comments and any ideas.





Thanks again Bill!!!!






Another A+. I'm going to have the chorus stuck in my head for the rest of the day. You have very distinct backing vocals, much like Michael Anthony. Although yours is an octave lower, its very one of a kind. I love the tune! [thumbup]

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I am very happy you liked it.




About a month ago, I got a new ES-359 (I know,I know, I will post the pictures soon [biggrin] , and here´s another Rock Bluesy tune I recorded with it. I also used a Fender Strat for the chorus and the second lead (clean). Everything else was done with the ES. And as always, all instruments and vocals were done by me.


Enjoy it!!!!!!






Thanks Bill


Another A+. I'm going to have the chorus stuck in my head for the rest of the day. You have very distinct backing vocals, much like Michael Anthony. Although yours is an octave lower, its very one of a kind. I love the tune! [thumbup]

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