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New Topic Frustration


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Think about it though....I bet you all have at least once read a post and maybe thought it was an interesting topic but didnt really

want to comment, or had a comment but thought it would be pointless so you just didn't...or do you guys just type everything you think..



Sure but everyone??

I mean odds are pretty good that at least one of the lets say 50 viewers might throw up an emoticon.

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I thought it would have been funny if no one replied to this thread. lol Sorry cookieman!


Though, for real...it happens to everyone. I post bands ALL the time that get no response...of course, they aren't Classic Rock so they likely don't get listened to at all...;)


Or I post other stuff and no one replies...no biggie. But I feel shame when that happens lol!!

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We should all agree on a generic statement that applies to all threads, and we can post it when we have no other comment to make.


I.E "That's something alright" or "What about the other one?" or "What else is new?" or "your all whore" or something generic like that, at least it'll look like we're getting replies.

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Hey man. I've had zero replies on some. Others that I thought were just nothing special went pretty high in replies. Who knows. Hang in there. [thumbup]

I like your Green Strat.

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Maybe people are exercising the "if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all" clause thingie? I try not to talk down about peoples posts, ideas, comments or whatever it's just not a cool thing to do.

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I always wonder what kind of a reply post people are looking for when they just post a song, without any question? If you disagree they usually try to explain why you should love it or tell you your full of crap because you don't like it. So if it's something new or that I haven't ever heard before I'll make a comment if it's just a song by a band I know and Ive heard before I usually won't make a post because I usually won't even listen to it.

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Has anyone else ever started a new topic or posted something and although 50 people may have looked at it not one, I mean not one single soul put finger to keyboard to comment. Not a thumbs up. Not a thanks for posting that. Not a you suck and so do your stupid guitars. Not even a I'm gonna cut your hands off! Nothing!! I mean it don't get no worse than that.


Is anybody out there!!?????msp_bored.gif


I feel your pain brutha. Happens to me all the time...especially when I ever post my clips :-({|=

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