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Why did so many jack up their guitars to the chin in the old days?


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What gives with the axes being jacked up as high as possible back in the '60's? Seems like alotta cats played this way. Body rammed into the armpit, and just a nose and long hair hangin over the body. Ha ha! Was this in fashion back then?


I'll admit it gives unparrallogrammed fingerboard access. But it looks funny.

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This is the coolest photo ever posted of a guitar playing member here...........


I've seen the snap before but never previously clocked the cool footwear! Way to go, '2-L's' !


Could you not find a stripy-er cat, though? LOL!



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Ok, this is what i'm led to believe . . . . .

I was taught to play guitar by an old school Jazz dude. He was hell bent on teaching the old style way of positioning the fretting hand with thumb behind the neck at all times. That was the traditional way of holding a guitar back in 'the day'.

I was told that this hand position was used because it was the most economical way of switching between complex jazzy chords. It may also have been fashionable too?

Now . . . . . try maintaining this position whilst standing with your guitar slung low like Slash and see how you go. IT CAN'T BE DONE!.

Whilst the 'thumb behind the neck' rule might well be the traditional and 'correct' way to hold a guitar, it doesn't account for changing musical styles and fashion. Most popular music nowadays doesn't contain complex jazz chord arrangements nor does most modern guitarists chord palette extend that far. As a result there's no need to learn to play with the thumb firmly positioned behind the neck at all times anymore.

I wish i'd learnt the more modern 'baseball bat' grip because i've got no choice but to have my guitar slung higher and i feel like a ****. It's hard to adapt to a new style, know what i'm say'in?


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Yeah, LOL...Gerry Marsden (Gerry & The Pacemakers) used to wear his

guitars up high...




I don't think it was a style, or fad, as much as a "comfort" thing. But, who knows?




The other great 'Merseyman' George Harrison wore his Gretsch at a similar height.....





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I guess they figured they were easier to play.


I wear mine higher than many, but not that high. I found where the guitar is easiest for me to play, allowing me to play better. I like the neck slightly higher than my left elbow.




I wonder why so many people wear their guitars around their knees. It's very difficult to play when the guitar is too low, and that makes it so you aren't playing as well as you could.



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Tman- You match so much! so much zebra print... [thumbup]


I wear my guitar fairly high for a teenager I guess, but when I'm handling singing and guitar playing duties, I don't have enough time to fuss around with the guitar, and especially when I fingerpick stuff, can't do that at my knees. When I'm just playing guitar, I tend to lower the strap a bit though. I guess I'm weird.


I usually have my guitar about 5 inches lower than Tman's picture


EDIT: I do more finger picking on my acoustic, so its quite a bit higher than Tman's picture, but its also a Jumbo size, so it doesn't look super weird that high

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Tman, haha great picture, great guitar, and damned fine shirt/boots combination!


I prefer it just at waist level, not so close I'll feel cramped, but far enough that I can feel free and relaxed.


Back then, I think Retro's got it pegged (with perhaps a bit of the comfort concern)

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Guest farnsbarns

I like mine about this high:IMG_0078-2.jpg


And I used to play in the old days. Actually still playing in the new days.


I hope you aren't offended by this but you're about 20 years older than I thought you were. Nice boots, shirt and guitar!



I guess they figured they were easier to play.


I wear mine higher than many, but not that high. I found where the guitar is easiest for me to play, allowing me to play better. I like the neck slightly higher than my left elbow.




I wonder why so many people wear their guitars around their knees. It's very difficult to play when the guitar is too low, and that makes it so you aren't playing as well as you could.




Again, hope this doesn't offend but in that pic you look just like Boyd Coddington of American Hot Rod fame.

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Thanks for all the replies guys! Doin the Zebra theme for sure! As far as the being older (I'm assuming than I act), it happened so quickly~! [crying]


I do like wearing my guitar relatively high though and have never been able to do the Jimmy Page hung low style.

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Like a number of posters, I find that there are things that I simply cannot play in the "rock star instrument below the crotch" pose. My wrist ends up compressed into a 90 degree angle, and I can't bar properly. I also find that having the instrument slung low shortens my reach and reduces the pressure I can get on the frets. Looks cool though......

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It's all a personal preference. Unless of course, you spot your axe in a location like some other guitar player does because you think it 'looks' better... that would be 'posing'


Some guitar players site their elbow at the tail piece. Lennon and / or McCartney, I think did that. Not sure why but to each his own.


Cash on the other hand did it for a musical reason. Notice that when he wants to effect a crescendo, he lifts his guitar up to the stand-up mic. I never noticed this until I saw Joaquin Phoenix do it when he portrayed The Man in Black in the movie, Walk the Line.


He is the only one I remember doing this, but anything is possible.


He also raises his guitar up and shoulders it like a 12 gauge then pulls the trigger in the song "Cocaine Blues"

I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down

That's the sanitized version.

On the Folsum Prison album it goes

I took a shot of cocaine and I shot that dirty >bleep< down [mad] >P-O-W!<


The inmates loved it. [woot]

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