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DanvillRob, I know the feeling only too well!


In the first clip I posted (a mere half-minute long) I still manage to get a howler in even before I've reached the ten-second mark!


Just as well I'm a photographer by profession.........




If you remember the comparison of my three guitars...I had to make 3 different videos because I couldn't get through all three without screwing up...and I was doin' the same stuff on each guitar!

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That was ace! I love the old school metal sounds. Are you cats always instrumental? I think with some vocals you guys would destroy.


Thanks man. Yea, that band is always instrumental. Our other guitar player did vocals (screamed) earlier in the band's history. We kinda grew out of that though.

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Thanks man. Yea, that band is always instrumental. Our other guitar player did vocals (screamed) earlier in the band's history. We kinda grew out of that though.


Dude, want hear more!!!! Do you have anything recorded besides jams/shows? Either way, I wanna hear more!!! I love it!

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[thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup]


Thanks so much for posting that clip!


D chords aside you did really well! LOL!


Seriously, though; it's very brave of you to post something where you know you've made a slight hash of things. Shows you have a great sense of humour.


The word-overs have given me the best laugh of the day.


Thanks again!




Thank you! If there's one thing about me, it's that I DO NOT take myself seriously. The downside is, that no one else does either! #-o


Unfortunatley, my computer is kinda low on memory, so every place I added a comment, it caused a little hiccup in the video.

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Yeah, Flight959 , you perfectly play, I compared your playing to Tman's playing. Of course, maybe also sound stylistics is a little other in your guitar. But we all are shared in accordance with our tastes and preferences.

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I've never seen him post in the Lounge, but I think Krassi deserves some love! Been perusing his youtube, it's fantastic stuff (even though I can't understand a word of some of the songs!). He hasn't been very active on the forum recently, but I figured I'd plug him in here :)


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I recorded "Perfidia" tonight messing around with my little Tascam. two guitars (chords and melody), a simple bass, and some drumming on the table with my fingers...




and here's "Scotch and Soda" on ukulele:




these are not mastered or "normalized", so i apologize for the differences in levels. :)

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I've never seen him post in the Lounge, but I think Krassi deserves some love! Been perusing his youtube, it's fantastic stuff (even though I can't understand a word of some of the songs!). He hasn't been very active on the forum recently, but I figured I'd plug him in here :)




Thanks for posting that..... Krassi is our own treasure here on the Forum....he is truly "The Balladeer of Bulgaria"!

He is also someone I call "Friend".


If he ever makes it to the US, or I end up in Bulgaria, I would be honored to play guitars with him, (but I would keep my mouth shut..... diffiicult to match the God-given gift of his voice).



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Alright fine...i will share a couple of tracks...


From my old band...an old jam room recording:




And some of my solo stuff i've been working on lately (Not a video):




Fookin loved that Shred!!! We really must share a beer or ten some day! [thumbup]

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I've posted some crappy rough things and cheap pento improvisations bit I'm working on a piece now that I am determined to do properly. I'mnot precious though so I most post a rough take next week.


"Crappy rough things and cheap pento improvisations" (with a little slide playing as well) is exactly how I currently play, so I'm not going to post anything yet :)

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Guest Farnsburger

"Crappy rough things and cheap pento improvisations" (with a little slide playing as well) is exactly how I currently play, so I'm not going to post anything yet :)


That's the point, post it anyway, what's the worst that could happen?

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