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OK, I'll risk another....


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Since nobody beat me up too bad on the last clip I'll do it again. That's your punishment! lol


This is a Praise song I wrote that I'll be playing at our Wednesday evening service...


Note: If Christian content offends ya, don't click!





I also played around with effects in Audacity...just to learn how!

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It's a good song. What I really like is that I can understand the words and the lone guitar adds a validity to the message and a quality to the message. Far too much Praise music that I hear in church and on the radio is no more than lots of noise. The instruments are way-too-loud. The singer/s are too loud. You cannot understand what is being said. The message is indiscernable from all the other noise. I hate Praise bands that are indistinguisable from rock bands. The best music to my ears (all genres) is one or two instruments and a voice that is easily understood.

All that said, I like the song---the words and the way you do it. If you perform it along the lines of how you recorded it, your message will be easily heard and received. I have no more against Praise music than any other kind of music. I just think Praise songs need the lyrics to be heard if they are going to inspire people.

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Since nobody beat me up too bad on the last clip I'll do it again. That's your punishment! lol


This is a Praise song I wrote that I'll be playing at our Wednesday evening service...


Note: If Christian content offends ya, don't click!






I also played around with effects in Audacity...just to learn how!

Very sweet and true--to me, all songs are praise songs and this is a good 'un.


I echo what MP has said--the genre of Christian praise can, like other genres, get lost in its own trappings. But an honest song shines through, no matter the genre or the context. A couple of months ago, I did Beth Nielson Chapman's "There's a Light" at my reg'lar open mic--at a downtown bar. A couple of decades ago, I did Cat's in the Cradle at a Sunday evening service.


You go where the gift takes ya, right?


Nicely done!


Btw, I use Audacity, too, and I'm no wiz and every set up (mic type and placement, room acoustics, etc.) is different, but maybe you'd like to know what I've sort of settled on, settings-wise? (A year or two ago, when I started this, I woulda loved some help, but I guess I learned something by stumbling, too.)


Anyway, when I have a track I like, I first do a little compression (threshold: -3dB; Ratio: 3:1, Attack: .1). Then, I duplicate the track a couple times. I leave one track alone, and then add echo to each of the other tracks but at slightly different settings (delay at .1 for each, but then I do a .2 and a .4 decay). When I play all three together, I fool with the gains to see what mix sounds best.)


I'm just recording voice and guitar on a single track; if I laid them down separately, I'd probably compress the voice more and leave the gtr alone, but I'd experiment more with the echo settings for each.


Well, there you go--dunno if that's helpful, but Audacity is still WAY better than a reel-to-reel or, heaven forbid, a clunky cassette recorder for those of us with the gift of puttering! [scared]

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