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74/75 Hummingbird


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Hi guys, Ive come across this on EBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130616996275?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

I'm quite interested in it. Ive tried looking up the serial number 570327 and been told possibly 74/75 yet it has the orange label which to me would mean poss late 60's ?

What do you guys think of the 70's gibsons ? I know the 60's are well sought after but I don't hear much about the 70's.

I'd love to know what you think before I make the journey up to check her out.

Cheers. RNR

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I wouldnt buy a 70's Gibson without playing it first, too much of a risk.


However this looks like a 60's Bird, probably a 68/69 because of the belly down bridge, at stupidly good price, perhaps too good.


If all is fine this is the steal of the century.

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Hi guys, Ive come across this on EBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130616996275?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

I'm quite interested in it. Ive tried looking up the serial number 570327 and been told possibly 74/75 yet it has the orange label which to me would mean poss late 60's ?

What do you guys think of the 70's gibsons ? I know the 60's are well sought after but I don't hear much about the 70's.

I'd love to know what you think before I make the journey up to check her out.

Cheers. RNR


the 70's gibson's are regarded as "overbuilt" because the belong to the NOrlin era . A Time which Gibsons quality was very poor becuase the factory built them heavy so that there would be no repairs needed ,And in building them heavy they took away almost all the tone . so while you might encounter a good guitar ... expect the worse and don't get your hopes too high.


by the type of burst and the label it has on I would say it's a 70's hummingbird.

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That Burst was carried iinto the late 70s.... I wouldnt touch it... a few dollars more could get you a Newer One.. with alot more Tone..


I second slimt. he said it better then me XD.

It could well be from the late 60's but you can't really tell from the photo but I would advise you that you play it and inspect it well

befor purchasing because if it's a 70's dissappointment is only a strum away ...

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