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Who Said Your 40 Something Year Old Mom and Dad Can't Play Metal?


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They got to work on their Guitar Face if they are gonna solo.


Nah, grandma there has the "slow blues head roll" down tight.

Awesomeness on an unmeasurable scale.

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When I met my daughter's 43 year old boyfriend for the first time I brought him down to my music room for a jam.None of my vintage guitars got as much as a head turn,he immediately grabbed my Epi G-400 Custom.I started off with a slow blues "Red House" type song in B,E,F#.The next thing I knew he was shredding(quite poorly)and way off key even though both guitars wete perfectly in tune.I've seen way too much of this in recent years especially with the Saturday afternoon pimple poppers at G.C. and L&M in Canada.You find kids and some adults who can't do anything but shred and to try to get them to jam,even to a well known song,it's just as well you ask them to explain quantum physics in ten words or less.


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